Sclerosis – causes, symptoms, treatment, prevention

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Sclerosis is a condition caused by atherosclerosis, which narrows the lumen of the blood vessels and causes them to supply the brain with less oxygen and nutrients, causing the patient to gradually lose cognitive abilities and, above all, memory.

The causes of sclerosis

As a result of atherosclerotic changes, cholesterol-calcium deposits are deposited in the blood vessels, which makes the walls of the arteries and larger blood vessels harden, and then their patency (diameter, lumen) is reduced. For this reason, blood flows more slowly and less in them, so it is not able to adequately provide oxygen and important nutrients to the brain and other internal organs. The brain is under-oxygenated and its cells, i.e. neurons, die. Fewer neurons lead to progressive impairment of neurological and mental functions, including the ability to remember and recognize. The changes (neurological and mental, including cognitive) caused by this condition are called sklerozy.

Suspected to be the cause sklerozy there may also be disorders of the immune system.

Symptoms of sclerosis

Initial symptoms sklerozy they are quite innocent. The sick person feels more and more tired, he loses efficiency at work, he needs more sleep, and his body regenerates more difficult and slower after exercise. Sometimes, despite the feeling of fatigue and the need to sleep, the patient is unable to fall asleep – he suffers from prolonged insomnia. As a result of this condition, as well as as a result of atherosclerotic changes still taking place in the blood vessels, the patient functions in everyday life less and less, his cognitive abilities, especially memory, decline. So-called memory gaps appear, the sick person becomes irritable and reacts emotionally to trivial events. Along with the proceedings sklerozy emotional lability grows stronger. The sick person may break out into uncontrollable crying or anger. Memory gaps appear more and more. The patient loses the desire for any activity – mental and motor activity. Its character changes – selfishness, lack of empathy and lack of criticism appear. It may be accompanied by a tendency to overeat excessively (greed). At a later stage of development sklerozy confusion may occur, especially at night. The sick person is anxious, he walks around the apartment, not realizing where he is, which further increases his anxiety. Most often in the morning he completely does not remember his behavior.

As one of the symptoms sklerozy aphasia may also occur, which is the loss of the ability to speak or understand speech despite the proper speech apparatus. The patient may also have difficulty in performing the simplest activities (apraxia) and lack of coordination in his movements (ataxia). With very advanced sclerosis there may be paresis or paralysis on one side of the body. They may also include symptoms similar to those of Parkinson’s disease (body stiffness and involuntary muscle twitching).

Sclerosis treatment methods

skleroza it is not a curable disease. You can only alleviate its symptoms by administering drugs that stabilize blood pressure and relieve symptoms of atherosclerosis (palpitations, shortness of breath and chest pain). Drugs that dilate blood vessels, anti-cholesterol preparations and preparations that improve the work of the brain are also administered. Changes causing sclerosis however, they are usually progressive and irreversible.

How to prevent sclerosis?

skleroza is an insidious disease – it develops in the body for a long time and imperceptibly, and finally gives very unpleasant symptoms that hinder everyday functioning. Fortunately, there are methods to prevent this disease. These include adherence (from the earliest possible age) to a suitable one diets, which prevents the increase in cholesterol levels, and thus – the appearance of atherosclerotic lesions with age.

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