Scientists warn of disease X. “Another pandemic just around the corner” [NEW PANDEMIC?]

The scientific community once again warns against disease X. Concerns about an unknown disease posing a potential pandemic threat have re-emerged in the UK. In London, polio was detected in sewage at the end of June 2022. In addition, monkey pox has been on the island since May, and since the beginning of the year, several cases of other infectious diseases have also been diagnosed. Is another pandemic just around the corner?

  1. Disease X is the concept of an as yet unknown disease that could cause another global pandemic
  2. Global warming increases the risk of transmission of pathogens from animals to humans
  3. Concerns about disease X are fueled by reports of rare diseases outside their endemic areas
  4. You can find more such stories on the TvoiLokony home page

What is disease X?

In the scientific world, there is more and more talk about disease X, an as yet unknown pathogen that can cause a global pandemic. After the global clash with COVID-19 – a disease that we can classify as an exemplary disease X – scientists are still concerned that further diseases unknown to mankind may attack and bring a deadly toll. Disease X is therefore a term that represents a disease that has the potential to cause even greater global problems. This is a hypothetical issue at the moment, but very real, according to scientists.

Why does another disease of X seem so likely? Many studies indicate that a warming climate will be the cause of the next pandemic. As a result, rapid animal migrations to more populated areas are likely. This will increase the risk of transmitting animal pathogens to humans – as happened with the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus.. Specialists emphasize that new pathogens will appear, and some of them may show high pandemic potential and pose a threat to humanity.

Also, COVID-19 remains a current problem as new cases continue to emerge, as do further mutations of the virus. If you suspect you have coronavirus infection, do a COVID-19 Rapid Test – an antigenic self-monitoring test.

Also read: Where is the next pandemic coming from? The world is getting ready for an attack by disease X

What diseases aggravate anxiety about disease X?

In the face of the COVID-19 pandemic, it is not surprising that the fear of another unknown disease X has intensified. The topic has recently become particularly high-profile in the UK, where monkey pox is wreaking havoc. This rare infectious zoonotic disease has so far mainly occurred in Africa, and only isolated cases have been reported outside of this continent. The year 2022 disrupted this trend, because over 2 people were detected in six months. cases of monkey pox in over 40 countries around the world, including Poland. Out of the aforementioned group of patients, over 700 infections were detected in the UK.

Another disturbing discovery from January this year was the detection of H5 avian influenza in an inhabitant of south-west England. The sick person had contact with infected birds. However, there is no evidence that human-to-human transmission of the disease is possible. In February, however, three cases of the highly fatal Lassa fever were confirmed in the UK, and a case of imported Crimean Congo haemorrhagic fever in March.

Check: Hemorrhagic fever (Ebola, Denga, Lassa) – symptoms, treatment


There are concerns about diseases so far affecting only animals, as certain viruses can become dangerous to humans as a result of mutations.

The anxiety associated with disease X is also exacerbated by the echoes of diseases that the world has already forgotten. In June 2022, polio was detected in a sample from a sewage treatment plant in London, but no case of the disease has been reported so far.

Epidemics and pandemics are an integral part of human history, the most recent evidence of which in modern history is COVID-19. Therefore, the emergence of Disease X, which will attack on a similar scale in the undefined future, cannot be ruled out.

Stock up on measures to help protect against infectious diseases. You can order Smedical hand disinfection gel, 75% alcohol surface disinfection spray or Nexodis Hygenic medical masks (50 pieces).

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