Scientists: village children have IQs higher than urban children

The dismal results of a study by scientists at the University of California at San Francisco were published by the journal Environmental Research. Scientists examined more than a thousand children born in the same county in Tennessee. It turned out that children born in rural areas have IQs higher than their urban peers. Scientists see the reasons for this phenomenon in the ecological situation.

The cleaner the air was in the place where the children were conceived and where the mother carried them, the higher their intellectual abilities were. The main harm to the development of children’s intelligence was caused by particles called PM10 – they are very small and easily enter the mother’s body, affecting the fetus.

“We found that at an early age, babies exposed to more PM10 during fetal development had lower IQs,” says Dr. Christine Loftus, head of the study.

The main sources of harmful particles are power plants, industrial facilities (metallurgical plants, oil refineries), cars (both cars and trucks), airports, railways. Road dust in industrialized regions with high car traffic is a pure poison.

“PM10 can cause inflammation in the placenta, preventing it from functioning properly. As a result, the fetus receives less nutrients and oxygen, says Dr. Loftus. “Or the particles can penetrate directly into the developing brain, damaging the DNA.”

But not everything is so hopeless. To reduce the harm from exposure to PM10, the expectant mother does not need to pack her bags and leave for the village (although it would be nice). It is enough to ensure that there are enough foods rich in folic acid in the diet. This substance is able to prevent intrauterine spinal deformities and developmental defects of the fetal brain. And, of course, do not forget about the overall balance of the diet. Antioxidants and vitamins reduce the stress that the body experiences due to poor ecology.

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