Scientists say youth can be extended

Not so long ago, new information appeared in the media. It turns out that scientists from one of the Scottish scientific centers presented shocking facts about the mechanism of aging and a way to extend life.

It turns out that life expectancy directly depends on the caloric content of food. So, researchers at the University of Aberdeen in Scotland suggested that it is a small calorie diet that keeps the body in good shape, accelerates cell renewal, and prevents the appearance of cancer cells. According to them, it is this kind of food that can reduce the risk of early death in overweight people by almost 20%.

The most useful in this regard are programs with a decrease in fats, sugars and refined products.

Researchers say the research is still ongoing. These are just the initial results. For the purposes of experts, to determine whether style and eating habits affect the risk of developing heart disease and oncological processes. They plan to prove that with the help of the normalization of the diet, it will be possible to defeat these terrible ailments. Also, it was not possible to fully identify whether there is a positive trend with the simultaneous inclusion of a number of dosed physical exercises in weight loss programs.

Drug impact on life expectancy

But this kind of research is not unique in its kind. In parallel, calculations are being made on the effect of drugs on the duration and quality of life. One of the latest amazing news is the effect of Metformin on humans.

Scientists have suggested that one of the main ways to treat diabetes allows you to extend the existence of up to 120 years. And this is at least. Such a theory was put forward by scientists at a medical institute in Britain. They received official permission for this kind of study and came to grips with it.

Testing has already begun. A tablet preparation is given to a healthy person in order to study its effect on the duration and quality of life. According to assumptions, the drug should have a beneficial effect on the elements of nervous structures, preventing the development and rapid progression of Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s disease.

Previously, several independent studies have already been carried out. Their results were stunning. The medicine undoubtedly increases life expectancy, minimizing the risks of developing serious ailments.

The new human study of the drug is being led by Professor Gordon Lithgow of the Institute for Aging Research. According to him, slowing down the aging process will certainly slow down the ailments and lesions associated with it. This will definitely become a revolution in medicine, turning all ideas about therapy approaches upside down.

What is the reason

Why Metformin? According to the results of ten years of use of the drug, doctors and scientists came to the conclusion that the drug significantly increases the number of oxygen molecules that enter the cellular elements. This significantly increases the duration of their functioning, protects against mutations.

Scientists from Britain have proven the beneficial effect of the drug on the well-being of patients. They were the first to note that patients with diabetes who take this medicine live an order of magnitude longer than their “colleagues in misfortune” who take other drugs. And this despite the fact that this category of the population lives relatively short, due to the presence of serious problems with the heart and kidneys.

A new study in this direction is expected to start in the middle of winter in the US, called Targeting Aging With Metformin (TAME). Today it is known for certain that scientists from all over the world are intensively preparing for large-scale tests. Intensive fundraising is underway, the search for 3 thousand voluntary subjects aged 70-80 years.

Gene theory

A team of researchers led by Brian Kennedy of the Buck Institute for Aging Research has identified 238 gene elements that, if turned off, significantly prolong the life of yeast in the lab. Many of them are present in man. Turning off the LOS1 gene has become the most effective technique. After the procedure, individuals still lived about 60% longer than normal ones. Until that time, it was believed that this gene was solely responsible for the synthesis of protein elements.

Intellectual level

Employees of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development are working in another direction. Relatively recently, they reported that, on average, the life expectancy of people with a higher education is 8-10 years longer than the existence of people with a secondary specialized education. The studies were carried out exclusively on the representatives of the stronger sex.

Coffee is the elixir of youth

According to the latest data from American doctors, a few cups of coffee minimize the risk of death from heart disease, diabetes, damage to the nervous structures and suicide.

The data was provided after a detailed assessment of the 3 largest research programs that are currently being conducted independently of each other in the United States. Over the years of research, far fewer coffee drinkers have died than tea drinkers.

Such studies make it possible to discover new aspects of the aging process, to learn how to control and regulate the speed and intensity of its onset.

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