Scientists on the trail of a revolutionary painkiller. It works longer than morphine and is also less addictive

A drug that can replace morphine has been developed in French laboratories. It works longer and is less addictive. The new drug is supposed to be more effective and safer in relieving severe, chronic pain. The substance has passed the tests in mice and is being tested further.

A team of scientists from the Universities of Paris-Saclay and Paris Descartes has developed a revolutionary pain reliever that is superior to the morphine currently used. The new substance has so far been tested in mice, but the research results are very promising. The drug lasts longer than the popular opioid and is less addictive.

During their work, specialists modeled on the action of enkephalins, i.e. painkillers that are naturally produced by the body. Thanks to appropriate modifications, they created a substance that can be administered directly to the source of pain, bypassing the blood-brain barrier. Scientists believe this will significantly reduce the risk of becoming addicted to a painkiller. The new drug also has a longer duration than morphine.

This discovery is a great opportunity and a breakthrough in medicine. Much research and testing is still required before the drug is approved for use, but if it were successful, it could replace morphine.

Source: medicalxpress

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