Scientists have no doubts: this cancer chooses overweight people
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It has been known for a long time that extra pounds are not good for health. Scientists have long alarmed that obesity significantly increases the risk of developing cancer. It turns out, however, that not only obese people are at risk, but also those who are overweight. British scientists have found that it increases the risk of one of the female cancers – endometrial cancer – up to two times.

  1. Endometrial cancer is the most common type of cancer in women. In the UK, it is diagnosed in one in 36 female patients born after 1960. 
  2. Scientists have found that the risk of endometrial cancer is greater in women who are overweight or obese
  3. Research shows that for every five additional BMI units, the risk of endometrial cancer increases by 88%. 
  4. More current health information can be found on the Onet homepage

Excessive kilograms and the development of cancer

The statistics are inexorable. Just in the UK, one in three cases of endometrial cancer affects women who are struggling with excess weight. Researchers noticed this relationship some time ago, but still could not find an answer to the question of why and how excess weight affects the development of cancer and how much it increases the risk of its development.

The breakthrough may be the discoveries of scientists from the University of Bristol (England), which were announced in the pages of “BMC Medicine”. 120 people took part in the British survey. women from the USA, Great Britain, Australia, Belgium, Germany, Sweden and Poland. About 13 thousand of them were diagnosed with endometrial cancer. Researchers then looked at markers for 14 traits that may link overweight or obesity to endometrial cancer. They highlighted two hormones – insulin and testosterone – which have been found to increase the risk of developing this type of cancer.

The British have shown that for every five additional units of BMI, the risk of endometrial cancer increases by 88%. According to Cancer Research UK (CRUK), which funded the study, this number of BMI units is the difference between the overweight and obese category of people.

  1. Here you can check your BMI [CALCULATOR]

The greatest value of the study is the fact that its results reflect the state of women’s body weight throughout their lives, not over a period of time, as was the case in other such tests.

«Studies like these confirm that overweight or obesity is the second leading cause of cancer in the UK. They can also help us understand why this is so, which will contribute to discovering ways to prevent and treat cancer in the future, ”commented Dr. Julie Sharp, head of health information at CRUK.

More research is needed to fully investigate what treatments and medications can be used to manage cancer risk among people struggling with obesity, Dr Sharp added. «We already know that being overweight or obese increases the risk of developing 13 different types of cancer. To reduce the risk of cancer, it is important to maintain a healthy weight through a balanced diet and exercise ».

The fight against excess weight is supported by Bioherba Safflower Oil, which you can buy on Medonet Market. Reach for this natural preparation and prevent endometrial cancer and more.

  1. «The doctor said: you are too obese for such an operation» [PATIENT STORIES]

What is endometrial cancer?

Endometrial (uterine) cancer is the most common malignant neoplasm in women. It is usually diagnosed in women over 50, who are already past the menopause, but it can also develop in younger patients (about 25% of cases occur in women who are before the menopause). It has been established that the risk of its occurrence is increased by some chronic diseases, such as diabetes and arterial hypertension, as well as obesity.

  1. One woman, two tumors. Cancer impersonated another disease [PATIENT STORIES]

Neoplasm development is preceded by abnormal growths of the endometrium. Among the most common symptoms of developing endometrial cancer are:

  1. very heavy uterine bleeding in women who have periods
  2. bleeding after the cessation of menstruation (especially those after a long period from the last menstruation),
  3. lower abdominal pain,
  4. pain in the sacral area,

When cancer is advanced, you may experience a profuse, watery-blooded discharge and a feeling of fullness in the pelvis.

The comforting news is that endometrial cancer can be detected at an early stage of its development, which significantly increases the chances of curing the neoplastic disease. The most common diagnosis is hysteroscopic examination and ultrasound.

  1. Doctors call it a disease of welfare. “The patient blamed the sedentary work and it was cancer”

Treatment of endometrial cancer depends on the stage of the disease and the patient’s age. Surgery to remove the uterus with ovaries is usually suggested, and in the case of extensive lesions, also the pelvic lymph nodes. Sometimes the procedure is supplemented with hormone therapy and / or radiotherapy.

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