Scientists have named the worst months for conception

What could be the causes of congenital learning disabilities, autism, ADHD and other disorders, scientists have been trying to understand for more than a dozen years. Recently, the results of another study aimed at studying the effect of the environment on the cognitive abilities of children were summed up. It turned out that a rather significant factor in the development of a child is the month when he was conceived.

The study covered 400 young people living in Scotland. Observing their lives, scientists have found that children conceived in the winter months have learning disabilities more often than summer babies. Most often, the disorder is diagnosed in children conceived in January, February, March and April. Since May, the number of developmental disorders of the brain has been declining. And among children conceived in June and July, the number of cases of behavioral and cognitive disorders is minimal.

The researchers linked this phenomenon to solar activity: it is possible that a lack of vitamin D in the body of a pregnant woman affects the development of the child’s brain. This vitamin is directly related to solar activity and whether a woman gets enough sunlight. And in areas where the sun is not enough, the risk of having a baby who will have learning difficulties increases.

“Congenital learning disabilities can affect a child’s life. Now we need to study in detail how to prevent fetal developmental disorders that result in such problems. Our challenge is to understand whether a diet high in vitamin D can reduce the risk of developing these disorders, ”said the head of the study, Glasgow University professor Jill Pell.

So far, scientists do not undertake to unequivocally assert that the lack of vitamin D is to blame, but they recommend that pregnant women take a sufficient amount of it, since there is already a chance that this will help to give birth to a healthy child. However, only her doctor can find out exactly whether the expectant mother is deficient in vitamin. Therefore, when planning to take certain supplements, be sure to consult with a specialist.

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