Scientists have named a product which you need to eat before bed

Scientists from the University of Florida conducted a study that revealed that a little bit of cottage cheese before bedtime could significantly improve health.

Just 2 tablespoons of cottage cheese, eat half an hour before bedtime, accelerate metabolism, revive the muscles and stimulate the immune system.

According to the researchers, this effect is due to the high protein and amino acids in the product. The scientists reviewed 10 physically active women who ate 30 g of cottage cheese 30-60 minutes before bedtime (about 2 hours after dinner). And they found that the effect of eating the cheese before bed the same as the use of protein powders, which are often used by athletes to restore muscle and accelerate metabolism.

Cheese contains many casein proteins, the body slowly absorbs that, and amino acids are the building blocks for our muscles. The use of this product leads to the appearance of fatty tissue but, on the contrary, increases the rate of metabolism in the body.

Scientists have named a product which you need to eat before bed

This is what makes it the perfect snack before bedtime.

To products recommended by nutritionists to eat before bed includes salmon, rich in protein and fatty acids, omega-3, and protein-rich Greek yogurt.

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