Well, who among us does not want as much as possible to stay young and beautiful?! However, in addition to proper nutrition, sports, and all kinds of diets, it is important to include in your diet foods that are actively involved in aging processes.
These products are:
- coffee
- tea
- chocolate.
Unexpectedly, right? But the basis for these products is to highlight the most antioxidant study — a study by researchers from Germany and the United States.
A group of scientists found that these products contain a substance called hydroquinone. It slows down aging by preventing oxidative processes in cells.
But there is one “but”: the experts have determined that this effect is achieved only with the hydroquinone combination with zinc. This connection and helps to create natural protection of cells from aging.
This means that to activate the rejuvenating effect of tea, coffee, and chocolate in your daily menu should also contain zinc foods.
And this:
- nuts (almonds and walnuts),
- fish and seafood (oysters, anchovies, carp),
- cereals and bread (oats, rye, rice),
- vegetables (potatoes, broccoli).