Scientists have identified the cause of the severe course of Covid-19 in patients

“This is a small step for a person, but a huge one for all mankind.”

To date, the situation with coronavirus in Russia still remains deplorable. In many regions, the incidence has begun to decline, but the total number of cases in the country for July 24 (23947 people) is still scary. The situation in the world is no better, hospitals are still overcrowded, and statistics are not going to fall.

While doctors are saving the lives of patients with coronavirus infection, scientists continue to study the virus and recently they were able to find a way to predict the severity of the course of Covid-19.

A study published on the Cell website says the severity of the coronavirus can be determined with a nasopharyngeal test, which is considered more effective than a blood test. On the basis of 35 nasal swabs, doctors were able to find the answer to this question.

Employees of the Boston Children’s Hospital and the University of Mississippi Medical Center found that during Covid-19, the epithelial cells in the throat and nose are greatly altered. In those who carry the virus in a mild or moderate form, genes are activated in the cells that are responsible for counteracting coronavirus infection. And those who carry the infection hard – the antiviral reactions are dulled due to the weak response of cells to interferon. Scientists noted that such a weak response of the body to interferon increases a person’s risk of getting sick with any infection, including Covid-19.

Russian mathematicians from St. Petersburg were able to create a mathematical model, with the help of which they calculated the exact date of the peak of coronavirus infection and the number of patients that day.

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