Scientists have identified new mechanisms for the appearance of itching

The fundamental factor for determining the adequate treatment of any disease or condition is an accurate understanding of the causes and mechanisms of their development. Understanding what causes itching in a patient, specialists can choose the most appropriate way to eliminate it.

However, as shown by the recent discovery of American scientists, the mechanism of the appearance of itching is not so simple and it occurs in different parts of the body in different ways.

How does itching appear?

Itching is a much more serious problem than it might seem at first glance. From 10 to 20% of the world’s population suffers from various forms of dermatitis, one of the symptoms of which is itching of the skin. An irresistible desire to scratch accompanies certain diseases of the kidneys and liver. However, due to a very limited understanding of the mechanisms of this sensation, until now, specialists have not had many methods for effectively eliminating an unpleasant symptom.

Neuroscientists are studying the nature of the origin of itching. Until recently, experts believed that in all cases, the sensation of itchy skin appears according to an identical principle. However, after the discovery made by scientists from the Georgia Institute of Technology (USA), it became clear that itchy sensations on the skin under the hairline and on bare areas are of a different nature.

Any itchy sensation is the result of the activity of the nervous system, or more precisely, the sensory nerves located on the skin. Before the discovery of American scientists, it was believed that, regardless of the focus of itching, the same neurons are the cause of the sensation. However, now experts know for sure that different groups of nerve cells are responsible for the desire to scratch the skin under the hair and “bare” areas on the soles of the feet and palms.

What does this discovery

There are quite a few diseases for which itching is the main or one of the symptoms. In particular, it is dyshidrosis or pustulosis. The first is characterized by the appearance of small itchy blisters exclusively on the soles of the feet and palms. The second is a type of psoriasis, which is manifested by peeling and itchy skin on “bald” areas. Both diseases are very common in the world, but so far it has not always been possible to effectively eliminate an unpleasant symptom in patients. The reason is simple – to eliminate the itch, they affected the wrong neurons. The theory was confirmed by testing on mice conducted in the laboratory of the Georgia Institute of Technology. Scientists who have studied the nature of itching have identified a specific group of neurons, blocking and activating which, it turns out to control sensation in areas of the skin that are not covered with hair (palms, soles of the feet).

According to scientists, this information opens up new opportunities for the scientific world and medicine. In particular, now that it is truly known which group of neurons is responsible for itchy sensations, it will be possible to more effectively eliminate the unpleasant symptom that accompanies certain diseases, such as dyshidrosis, pustulosis, or liver disease.

Sources of
  1. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. – MrgprC11+ sensory neurons mediate glabrous skin itch.

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