Scientists have found out whose intelligence the child inherits

Scientists have found out whose intelligence the child inherits.

– Who are you so smart about? – friends ask my son affectionately when he, at five and a half, tells them the multiplication table by nine.

Of course, at this moment my husband and I both smile flattered. But now I know the truth. But I will never tell her husband. I’ll tell you. The child inherits intelligence exclusively from the mother. The father is responsible for other qualities – the main character traits, for example. Proven by Scientists!

The studies were carried out by specialists from Germany (University of Ulm) and Scotland (Social Council for Medical Research and Public Health Glasgow). And in order to understand their logic, you will have to recall the section of genetics from school biology.

So, we know that the character, appearance, and including the mind of a child, form the genes of his parents. And the X chromosome is responsible for the intelligence gene.

“Women have two X chromosomes, that is, they are twice as likely to transmit the makings of their intelligence to a baby,” scientists are sure. – At the same time, if the genes of “intelligence” are transmitted simultaneously from both parents, then the paternal is leveled. Only the mother’s gene works.

But let’s leave genetics alone. There is other evidence as well. The Scots, for example, conducted a large-scale survey. Since 1994, they have regularly interviewed 12 young people between the ages of 686 and 14. Many factors were taken into account: from skin color to education. And they found that the surest way to predict what a baby’s IQ will be is to measure the intelligence of their mom.

“In fact, it differs from them only by an average of 15 points,” the scientists summarize.

Here’s another study, this time from Minnesota. Who spends time with the child more often? Who sings him songs, plays educational games with him, teaches him different things? That’s the same.

Experts insist: the emotional attachment of the baby and the mother is also indirectly related to intelligence. In addition, such children are more persistent in solving problems and respond more easily to failure.

In general, no matter how hard geneticists and sociologists tried, they did not find “traces” of a man in the areas of the brain responsible for intelligence, thinking, language and planning. But they are in a hurry to reassure the dads: their role is also very important. But in other areas. Male genes affect the limbic system, which, according to scientists, is literally responsible for survival: it controls breathing, digestion. She also controls emotions, hunger, aggression and sexual reactions.

In general, the development of intelligence depends on heredity by 40-60 percent. And then – the influence of the environment, personal qualities and upbringing. So take care of your kids and the rest will follow.

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