Scientists have found a way to lose 11 kg a year without effort

Getting on the scales, you want to sink into the ground? And when you see a bun, do you forget about everything and buy two at once?

Scientists at Cornell University have made an interesting discovery. Namely: they tried to convince that there is no connection between excess weight and nutrition! Moreover, you can lose up to 11 kilograms a year without any diets and even … sports.

Experts set up an experiment in which overweight people took part. It lasted five weeks, and the results of the experiment shocked even the most experienced nutritionists.

So, the participants in the experiment lost an average of half a kilogram in just ten days. At the same time, they did not deny themselves anything, even their favorite fast food, and all they did was simply reduce the portions.

Well, the version is very curious! The main thing is not to grab onto donuts right now. After all, we are all different …


But the experiment of scientists from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology can rather laugh. Scientists insist that they have managed to “turn off the genes” that are responsible for weight gain!

The experiment, by the way, has already been successfully performed on mice, which are rapidly losing their weight, but at the same time did not change their daily habits. And now scientists hope that they will be able to solve the problem of obesity.

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