Scientists have figured out why you can’t dry laundry on a battery

And for those who suffer from asthma or allergies, it is better to remove the dryer out of the room altogether.

Who would have thought that one of the most common problems of housewives would be a banal drying of clothes. In the city on the street you will not dry very much – you will have to rewash. The room dries badly in bad weather and in the off-season too. Although it is easier in winter – when they start to heat properly, it dries up faster and faster. However, experts strongly advise against doing this.

We are used to thinking that indoor air becomes drier in winter. That’s right – central heating plays a role. However, it is in winter that mold and mildew become active. It’s all about the walls – they dry out worse in the cold season. And then we add a sharp portion of moisture. Mold and fungal spores are only grateful for this.

“Turning on central heating only increases mold activity,” warns paramedic expert Emma Hammett.

According to the observations of doctors, asthmatics and allergy sufferers should be especially careful about air humidity. Under the influence of mold spores, they can develop a disease such as allergic bronchopulmonary aspergillosis – it is accompanied by shortness of breath and severe cough, sometimes even with blood. People with weak immune systems are also at risk.

“Make sure the area where you dry your laundry is well ventilated,” advises Emma Hammett. “And the best option is heated dryers with lids.”

And Dr. Komarovsky, the famous pediatrician, recalls: the normal level of humidity in the room is 50–70 percent. All that is higher is already dampness, which is extremely harmful to health.

It would seem how these two things can be related? However, experts say that when the heating is turned on, dust mites, which trigger the development of asthma and allergies, begin to multiply at an increased rate. In addition, in winter we often use blankets, warm blankets, and surround ourselves with cozy pillows. Namely, dust mites accumulate in these objects.

“Ventilate the room often, even if it’s cold outside. The normal temperature in the bedroom is 18-19 degrees Celsius. If it gets chilly, it’s better to get dressed than to overheat the room, ”recommends Dr. Komarovsky.

Western experts add that it is necessary to often knock out blankets and pillows from dust, and dry mattresses in sunny times. And when it snows outside, clean the carpet in the snow. You will be surprised what color the snow turns.

What is the New Year without candles? But this one. Fans of scented candles and incense – a warning. When burned, both give off volatile organic compounds that remain in the air for a long time. By the way, carpets, chipboard furniture, hair sprays, paints, cleaning products – all of them also emit volatile compounds. What is the problem? Doctors have many complaints about these substances. According to the Academy for the Study of Asthma in the UK, vapors and gases produced by burning candles can provoke the development of asthma in children and adults, increase the risk of heart disease, as well as inflammation of the mucous membranes of the eyes and even nausea.

In addition, when burning, candles emit formaldehyde, a carcinogen that does nothing good for health. According to scientists, this substance even causes cancer. Scented candles are especially harmful in this respect. A study by the University of York showed that they contain a substance limonene – which, when it interacts with air, forms formaldehyde. And scented candles contain 100 times more limonene than regular candles.

What to do now? Not lighting candles at all and killing the romance? Of course not. You just need to properly ventilate the room and not abuse incense.

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