Scientists have figured out what happens to the human brain in space

Scientists conducted a study during which they studied changes in the brain of astronauts. We tell how it will help in long-term space missions

What’s going on

  • A group of scientists from our country, Belgium, Germany, the USA and Australia have studied how the human brain changes in space. To do this, they analyzed changes in the pathways (tracts) of the white matter of the brain. White matter – bundles of nerve fibers that connect areas of gray matter. In gray matter, information is processed, and in white matter, signals are transmitted between areas of the brain and from the brain to the body.
  • To fix the changes, the scientists made the astronauts diffuse MRI before the flight, 10 days later and 7 months after returning to Earth.
  • The study involved 12 Russian cosmonauts who were on the ISS for 172 days.
  • In the white matter tracts, scientists have identified changes in sensorimotor, visual, and speech functions. But how exactly these changes affect the health and cognitive abilities of a person, scientists cannot yet say, this will be the subject of further research.
  • Scientists name two reasons for changes in the brain. The first is neuroplasticity, the ability of the brain to rewire itself to adapt to extreme conditions. The second is the redistribution of fluid inside the skull due to the lack of gravity.
  • Part of the changes in the brain after 7 months after the flight is preserved.
  • The study will help to understand what is needed to keep the brains of astronauts working.

What does it mean

The study of changes in the human body in space is important for preparing astronauts for future long-term missions. It is already known that due to the lack of gravity, bone density is lost, muscles atrophy, the distribution of fluid in the body, balance and coordination change. Some of these changes may persist after returning to Earth. In addition, prolonged isolation can lead to depression and fatigue.

To maintain the health of astronauts, a special program of physical activity and nutrition is being developed. Compression cuffs are used against the redistribution of fluid.

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