Scientists have explained what the harm of bananas, and how much you can eat per day

It turns out that some people need to be careful with this fruit.

Bananas have long ceased to be something exotic for us. After all, they are cheaper than apples, and sometimes carrots. Doctors are tired of talking about the benefits of bananas: these fruits contain an incredible amount of potassium, which is necessary for the normal functioning of all cells in the body and the maintenance of the heart. In addition to potassium, bananas are full of other useful vitamins and minerals, but potassium is the main thing. And in it, some experts see a danger for fruit lovers.

It turns out that an overdose of potassium can cause unpleasant and sometimes very serious consequences for the body. If you exceed the daily intake of potassium, your stomach may ache, you will feel nauseous, or even diarrhea will begin. When the excess is too serious, and even regular, you can get yourself coronary heart disease. This was warned by researchers from the University of Alabama, who tested a diet with different levels of potassium in mice. It turns out, the ancients said the truth – anything can turn out to be poison, if you choose the wrong dosage. Not with these words, of course, but the meaning is correct. Experts even calculated how many bananas you can eat per day: no more than six.

But other scholars are not inclined to dramatize.

“A healthy person is unlikely to face an overdose of bananas, – sure katherine collins, a nutritionist at St George’s Hospital, London. – You will need to eat about 400 bananas for your heart to stop beating. Bananas are completely safe. They have always been and will be beneficial to health, as they reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease. “

The UK National Health Service estimates that potassium is 3500 mg per day. An average banana weighing 125 grams contains 450 mg of potassium. That is, in order to choose the rate, you need to eat about seven and a half pieces. And only if you eat a dozen at once, then you can vomit. Although it is difficult to imagine that someone is able to learn a ligament or two in one sitting.

But at the same time, some people really need to be careful with bananas.

“People with kidney disease are at risk. When kidney function declines and potassium is not excreted from the body, blood levels can actually rise to dangerous levels. The same goes for tomatoes, they are also very high in potassium. So, theoretically, this is possible – if a person’s kidneys fail, and he fanatically eats bananas and tomatoes, he may die, ”warns Dr. Collins.

There is, by the way, another banana horror story. These fruits are believed to be radioactive. This is true, bananas emit a certain background radiation. But insignificant – the same Brazil nuts are much more radioactive. And when passing, for example, a CT scan, we receive a radiation dose that is 100 thousand times higher than the radiation of bananas.

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