Scientists have explained in what position you need to eat to lose weight

Scientists have explained in what position you need to eat to lose weight

According to the doctors, it is best to avoid buffets. Or, alternatively, ignore the snacks. But this, you see, is not easy.

What we just don’t do with our health when we eat. Either we stun the body with a shock dose of sugar, then we shock them with fats from fast food, then we eat on the go, or even completely in a reclining position in front of the TV. And God bless him, with gastritis, who now does not have this sore. But there is one fact that can make you think: the amount eaten depends on the posture while eating. Yes, body position can make you overeat. 

Roman patrician pose

That is, lying down. In ancient Rome, the nobility feasted, sitting around tables, lying on their side. It is believed that this was not only in order to demonstrate wealth and indolence, but also so that the feeling of satiety would come later, because I wanted to eat as much as possible. Some researchers believe that when lying on the left side, the pressure on the lower abdomen decreases, so there is no discomfort from overeating. However, the ancient Roman rich generally had peculiar approaches to nutrition – which is only the tradition with a peacock feather.

In addition to the fact that it is easy to overeat while lying down, doctors warn of another problem: this position provokes heartburn and the risk of developing reflux disease. This is a very unpleasant thing: the contents of the stomach begin to flow no further along the gastrointestinal tract, but returns back to the esophagus. In this case, the sensations may be such that sometimes reflux is mistaken for a heart attack. 

For the same reason, it is worth giving up the habit of lying down after dinner: you cannot go to bed for at least two hours after eating. 

Well-mannered pose

That is, sitting at the table. This pose has some advantages. First of all, we spend more time eating and that’s really a plus. When we focus on what we eat, we consume fewer calories. It is not for nothing that all nutritionists advise in no case to rush to eat, but to chew food with feeling, sensibly, with an arrangement. So the feeling of fullness comes earlier, the appetite decreases. This is a natural insurance against overeating. 

Hurrying man pose

That is, standing. Whether there is a buffet table or a rush – we often have a snack literally on the run. So, scientists consider this practice to be the most dangerous for health. At firstEven though we burn extra calories while standing, we will get hungry again much faster. So, next time we will eat more. Such a nuisance is associated with the fact that food in a standing position is digested faster, leaves the stomach faster and – voila – it is empty again. Studies have shown that people eat 30 percent more the next time they eat. 

Secondlystanding man eats faster. That is, at the same time at the table and wandering around the banquet hall, in the second case, you will eat more. In addition, the stomach will not give a signal in time that it is full, because the food is quickly digested and leaves it. So the saying “Standing more will fit” is absolutely true. 

ThirdlySnacks on the go cause bloating. This is because together with food we in a hurry swallow a lot of air. In addition, accelerated digestion makes it more difficult for the intestines to absorb nutrients from food. Fermenting processes begin, gas formation – and now the skirt belt is cracking treacherously. 

However, at the same time, scientists note that eating while standing can be beneficial if you suffer from heartburn. But you need to try your best not to rush, but consciously eat. 

And the best option is to eat at the table, using all the set cutlery, slowly and at the same time monitor your posture. Of course, there should be no gadgets or books on the table. Then you simply won’t be able to overeat.

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