Scientists have discovered which drink just kills tooth enamel

Surprisingly, this is not a soda, the dangers of which have already been written about, it seems, all the media. There is an even more dangerous drink, from which tooth enamel is rapidly destroyed.

What is this drink, managed to find out the Swiss scientists from the University of Bern.  

In the course of studying the effect of various drinks on tooth enamel, it was found that the occurrence of the greatest erosion of the teeth is facilitated by the use of hibiscus tea. 

According to experts, this effect is associated with the pH level and acidity of drinks – the lower the pH, the higher the acidity and the more pronounced the destructive effect on the teeth. However, there are exceptions – for example, red wine. Despite its low pH, it does not cause significant damage to teeth, as it contains special compounds that neutralize acid damage.


To be safe when consuming acidic drinks, experts advise to drink them quickly in large sips, as a result of which the tooth will have less contact with the acidic environment, and also brush your teeth or rinse your mouth after drinking. 

We will remind, earlier we told what products harm the tooth enamel, and also advised what you need to eat in order to have a snow-white smile.

Be healthy!

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