Scientists have discovered the beneficial effects of coffee on the liver. The research results are amazing

Scientists from the University of Southampton in Great Britain have good news for coffee lovers. Drinking up to three or four cups of coffee each day, whether containing caffeine or decaffeinated, reduces the risk of developing liver disease.

How does coffee work on the liver?

As shown by the results of the study, chaired by Dr. Oliver Kennedy of the University of Southampton School of Medicine, coffee drinkers are about 20 percent. less likely to suffer from chronic liver disease and fatty liver disease, and by 49 percent. to death from chronic liver diseasethan non-coffee drinkers. The study was published in BioMed Central, a UK publisher of scientific journals.

Coffee consumption was studied among nearly 500 participants in the UK’s Biobank, a biomedical database. The effects of coffee consumption were monitored for several years. The greatest benefits of drinking coffee were seen in the group of people who drank ground coffee with caffeine or decaffeinated coffee. Instant coffee drinkers saw the benefits, but to a lesser extent. Ground coffee has a higher level of antioxidants that have anti-inflammatory properties.

Try Intenson green ground coffee or decaffeinated dandelion root coffee, which you can buy at great prices at Medonet Market. We also recommend Slimina Green Coffe – green coffee in sachets or capsules.

What coffee is the healthiest?

The positive effects of drinking coffee are primarily seen when drinking black coffee. Milk, cream, sugar, flavors, cream powder are high-calorie products containing sugar and fat. Adding them to coffee likely negates any health benefits.

Do you want to try black ground coffee with chaga? It not only has a unique smell, but also strengthens the body. You will find it on Medonet Market at an attractive price.

It is also worth knowing that a 200 ml cup of coffee served in a cafe can contain from 70-140 g of caffeine. Still, be aware that caffeine can be dangerous if consumed in excess. High levels of coffee consumption (more than four cups) during pregnancy pose a risk to the developing fetus. People with sleep disorders and diabetes should consult their doctor before drinking coffee regularly.

The results of studies showing a good effect of coffee on the liver do not apply to children. According to the American Academy of Pediatrics, children and adolescents should not drink coffee, energy drinks, or any other drink with any amount of caffeine.

Also use herbs for the prevention of liver disease. Buy HEPATEFIX today – herbal tea with turmeric, mint and artichoke in the composition. The preparation supports the functioning of the biliary tract and also relieves gas and indigestion.

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