Scientists have discovered an unexpected property of walnuts

We have already told our beloved readers why it is so important to eat walnuts. And here scientists from the University of California, as a result of the study, discovered another useful property of this product.

It turned out that regular consumption of walnuts can protect people from depression and, in general, have a beneficial effect on their mental health.

Experts assessed the diet of 26 people, and also asked participants about the presence of symptoms of depression. It was found that eating walnuts (about 656 grams per day) reduced the risk of depression by 24%, while lovers of other varieties of nuts suffered from depression by 26% less often.

The experts noted that the most pronounced effect of the consumption of nuts was observed in women.


Compared to other nuts, walnuts are high in polyunsaturated fatty acids, especially alpha-linolenic acid (2,5 grams per 28 grams), the scientists explained. By this they explain the unique property of this product to influence our mood.

We will remind, earlier we talked about what scientists named 5 foods that shorten our life.

Be healthy!

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