Scientists have discovered an unexpected dangerous effect of hot chocolate

The positive and negative properties of products depend primarily on the ingredients included in their composition. A hot drink based on cocoa is considered beneficial for physical and mental health. British researchers decided to study all the properties of hot chocolate. They shared their results in scientific work.

Results of the study

Scientists from the UK conducted a study during which it was found that hot chocolate is harmful to human health. The increased danger of a sweet drink is associated primarily not with glucose, but with salt, which is part of the sweetness. The authors of the scientific work reported that in one cup of hot chocolate there is the same amount of salt as in a glass of sea water.

Researchers at the Queen Mary University of London have written a scientific paper in which they talked about the dangers of a hot drink. They stated that the substance is contraindicated for people who should not consume excess salt. It is not recommended to drink hot chocolate for people with vascular, brain, kidney and heart diseases.

If a person has an insulin deficiency, a metabolic disorder, dental problems, urolithiasis and cystitis, then you should not drink the drink either. If you are overweight, doctors do not recommend drinking hot chocolate.

What else is included in the treat?

There are several types of hot chocolate: the first is classic; the second – with the addition of flavorings; the third is white. The energy value of dry powder is from 140 to 160 kilocalories (in one hundred grams). When glucose is added, the calorie content increases.

The drink contains vitamins:

  • E – is considered a strong antioxidant;
  • PP – has a positive effect on the body: improves blood circulation, normalizes the functioning of internal organs, expands small vessels, helps to digest food;
  • B1 – is involved in metabolic processes in the human body: water-salt, protein and fat;
  • B2 – participates in biochemical processes.

Also, dry chocolate contains many minerals, such as calcium, sodium, potassium, magnesium, phosphorus, iron.

The benefits of hot chocolate

Scientists have repeatedly analyzed the benefits of a liquid hot drink and solid chocolate cubes. They found that it contains many healing components. The researchers explained this fact by the fact that due to exposure to high temperatures, the positive properties of the treat are minimized.

Drinking a glass of drink can improve your mood. This is due to the natural neurotransmitter of cocoa beans – phenylethylamine (it has a general strengthening and invigorating effect). The substance raises vitality. It is also used in the manufacture of various stimulants. After the use of phenylethylamine in a small amount, one can observe an increase in working capacity, an improvement in memory.

Often people are treated with such a drink for acute respiratory viral infections. It is cooked on water, a few grams of red pepper and cinnamon are added to the cup. It is also advisable to put a spoonful of honey. In winter, hot chocolate will help the immune system fight infections and viruses.

The healing properties of the drink include:

  • slowing the aging process;
  • reduction of degeneration of the skin (age-related manifestations);
  • removal of harmful substances from the human body.

Scientists have proven that flavonoids, which are part of the drink, inhibit the development of benign and malignant neoplasms, help the body fight parasites. With a high concentration of this component in hot chocolate, analgesic and anti-inflammatory effects can be achieved.

Negative properties of the drink

If you drink liquid chocolate infrequently, then there will be little harm from it. The composition of the delicacy includes purine, which contributes to the deposition of salts, because of which a person can develop rheumatic disease, including gout. The drink has a negative effect on people diagnosed with cystitis and pyelonephritis.

Many nutritionists note the energy value of the drink, because it contains sugar and milk. To date, baking powder, flavors, thickeners and other harmful ingredients are added to dry powder – they can cause allergies.

Features of the choice of cocoa beans for making hot chocolate

The drink will be very useful if you take the choice of cocoa beans with responsibility. Cooked hot chocolate with his own hands is able to strengthen the body and not cause allergic reactions.

There are several types of cocoa: industrial (minus – the addition of mineral fertilizers, which is not particularly useful for the human body), organic (the use of organic fertilizers), “live” – ​​collected from wild trees (quite expensive due to its excellent quality).

It is worth buying cocoa brought from the country in which the chocolate tree grows. Natural cocoa powder is considered brown, without the addition of flavors and dyes. Such a valuable product contains no less than 15-20 percent fat. If you rub the powder between your fingers, it should not leave lumps.

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