Scientists have compiled the ideal daily regimen to get a good sleep and feel more invigorated

A cup of fragrant drink right after waking up will not help you to cheer up. Because everything has its time.

Scientists have made a new grandiose discovery. It turns out that a person’s mood changes throughout the day, subject to the same cycles. This is because the hormones cortisol and serotonin are produced around the same time of day. Based on this, the scientists have compiled an ideal daily routine, in which it is planned what and when to eat and drink in order to feel better and happier.

PM6:00 – Climb! Cortisol rises, motivating us to do things. This is the easiest time to wake up. And the first hour after waking up, you will be unrealistically active and focused.

What to do: make a to-do list for the day.

PM7:00 – Cortisol is still on the rise. Drive, motivation – that’s okay. During this time, people are usually in the best spirits. Don’t oversleep the moment!

What should be done: Eat a protein breakfast. Omelet, nuts, seeds, fruits – put the sandwich aside. A protein breakfast eaten during this time will help you feel more energized throughout the day.

PM8:00 – The mood is waning. The saddest moment of the week is Monday, 8 am. However, we knew this even without scientists.

What should be done: Go for a run or a half-hour walk to compensate for negativity. Daylight will help the body stop producing the sleep hormone, melatonin. And 20 minutes of moderate exercise will cheer you up for the next 12 hours.

PM9:00 – Emotions go up again. Serotonin will rise up to 11 hours.

What should be done: drink coffee. You don’t need it before. Until then, cortisol will keep you awake. And at this moment caffeine will take over the baton.

PM12:00 People usually feel happiest at noon. We are sympathetic and positive, sweet and helpful.

What should be done: ask for a salary increase, make important calls. The decision will be constructive with a high degree of probability.

PM13:00 – A good mood begins to lose ground. We still treat others warmly, but soon everything will change.

What should be done: listen to cheerful music for 10-15 minutes. This activates the pleasure zone in the brain.

PM14:00 – Lowest point in the good mood chart. You will feel tired.

What should be done: second coffee time. Take a break for 20-30 minutes, sit in silence and enjoy a drink.

PM15:00 – Low serotonin. Blood sugar levels too. Efficiency falls, mood is at zero. At this time, it is very easy to be rude to someone. This state will continue until 5 pm.

What should be done: take another short break, take a break from work for 10 minutes. All the same, you will not do anything worthwhile.

PM16:00 – The second energy peak begins, which will continue until 17:00. A good time to tackle creative challenges.

What should be done: Put some basil oil on your wrist to relieve stress from the day. This will reduce anxiety.

PM17:00 – The mood starts to rise again, the energy returns.

What should be done: Make a plan of action for tomorrow and write down what you managed to do today.

PM18:00 – Time to eat. Now, you need healthy carbs to help curb the rise in stress hormone cortisol.

What should be done: Eat curry with turmeric – this dish works as an antidepressant. And it helps to lose weight.

PM20:00 – At this time, we are usually relaxed and in the mood for warm communication.

What should be done: you need hugs. Everybody needs it.

PM22:00 – Melatonin levels rise to prepare us for sleep. It’s time to turn off the TV, put down the gadgets.

What should be done: The best thing to do at this time is to have sex, and then calmly fall asleep in the arms of your beloved. Well, or listening to the classics will help you fall asleep faster and sleep better.

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