Scientists Find Evidence for the Big Bang Theory

The Russian-German space telescope “Spektr-RG” confirmed the theory of the creation of the Universe as a result of the Big Bang

What’s going on

  • A number of discoveries made by the Spektr-RG space telescope confirm the theory of the creation of the Universe as a result of the Big Bang, said Andrey Sadovsky, scientific secretary of the Space Research Institute.
  • One such discovery was the discovery of a very distant quasar (a supermassive black hole at the center of a galaxy that emits a lot of energy) that formed early in the formation of the universe.
  • The Big Bang theory is the most developed cosmological model of the creation of the world by scientists, which explains the birth of the Universe from a singularity – a point with a minimum size and infinite density and temperature. It is believed that the expansion of the universe as a result of the Big Bang happened about 13 billion years ago.
  • The Spektr-RG Orbital Astrophysical Observatory was launched in 2019 from the Baikonur Cosmodrome. This is a project of the Federal Space Program of our country with the participation of Germany. Its main goal is to build a complete map of the Universe in the X-ray range.

What does it mean

The origin of our universe is a mystery that astrophysicists have been struggling to solve for many years. Despite the variety of different theories, the most popular at the moment are the theory of the Big Bang and the hot Universe, according to which the Universe arose from a singular state and has been continuously expanding and cooling since then. Thanks to the discoveries made by the Spektr-RG space telescope, scientists were able to confirm this once again.

The origins of the Big Bang theory lie in the works of Albert Einstein, in which he outlined the foundations of the general theory of relativity. Almost a hundred years later, in 2014, using a telescope installed at the South Pole, American astrophysicists managed to detect gravitational waves, which are a kind of “echo” of the Big Bang, which was the first confirmation of this theory.

The development of astrophysics and modern technologies makes it possible to deepen knowledge about the Universe and the processes occurring in it – at present, a large number of observatories have been launched into space, which capture space objects and phenomena.

For example, in April 2021, NASA’s Hubble orbiting telescope discovered such a rare phenomenon as a double quasar. It is assumed that these are two quasars that are located in the cores of two converging galaxies, which can subsequently merge into supermassive black holes.

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