Scientists explain the harm of smartphones and Wi-Fi for pregnant women

Smartphone and laptop help the mom-to-be to keep in touch with the world and not go crazy with boredom while sitting on maternity leave. However, doctors strongly recommend limiting the time for watching social networks and TV shows.

Recent studies have shown that radiation from phones and Wi-Fi can negatively affect baby’s development. The microwave is also harmful.

“An expectant mother who is exposed to high levels of radiation from microwaves, smartphones and Wi-Fi is at risk of having a baby with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder,” says a new study.

Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is a developmental neurological-behavioral disorder. Children with this diagnosis find it difficult to concentrate, they are impulsive, overly active and more difficult to educate. 

Electromagnetic waves surround people everywhere. Cell towers, electrical appliances and devices that work with Bluetooth – all this creates an electromagnetic field that does not reflect in the best way on our health. For example, previous research has linked cancer and other serious illnesses to exposure to electromagnetic waves. Now scientists are talking about the harmful effects of waves on the development of the fetus.

Dr. De-Kun Lee, Senior Research Fellow at the California Research Institute, advises pregnant women to limit contact with radiation sources as much as possible. The scientist’s research team found that women who were exposed to high radiation exposure during pregnancy were twice as likely to give birth to children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder.

Scientists made such conclusions by examining more than 1500 mothers. With the help of a measuring device, the researchers monitored the radiation doses that the pregnant women received.

Unfortunately, Dr. Li does not say how much time a day should be spent using a smartphone. However, he assures that a dangerous dose begins as early as 1,3 milligrams (a unit of the absorbed dose of ionizing radiation).

For comparison, when X-rays of the teeth, which is prohibited during pregnancy, a person receives a dose of 20 milligrams of radiation. And the dose of irradiation to workers of industrial enterprises and objects of radiation-nuclear technologies is 2 milligrams per year.

Since most of us cannot measure the dose of radiation at home, the scientist suggests simply keeping a distance from sources of radiation.

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