Western scientists have identified a gene in the human body that “does not tolerate” alcoholic beverages. Experts say that mutations occur in such genes. They affect the decrease in the body’s ability to break down the ethanol component. Because of this, an excess of ethanol spreads toxins throughout the body, which are completely rejected by the body.
In the course of the study, it was found that in subjects belonging to different races and nationalities, the enzyme that accelerates the oxidation of alcohols was half functioning or completely absent. Therefore, their body could not cope with alcohol and rejected it.
However, not many understand why this happens. Scientists explained that some do not perceive alcohol molecules well, because it was laid down in them at the gene level. Many simply cannot stand alcohol, and even the smallest amount of alcohol can disgust them.
During puberty, a child develops the ability to tolerate alcoholic substances, which is also transmitted at the genetic level from generation to generation. Therefore, there are suggestions that when parents cannot tolerate alcohol, then their children will also inherit this ability. They will not be able to digest even a small amount of alcoholic beverages throughout their lives.
However, if a person does not pay attention to this and still uses these substances, then various pathological conditions will occur in the body. For example, the color of the skin and the autonomic nervous system change, the internal organs cease to function normally.
Such violations occur due to acetaldehyde molecules (they appear after the breakdown of ethanol molecules). It has a negative effect on the internal organs and cells of the human body. Very often, this compound provokes gene mutations that reduce the quality of human life in the future. In addition, such molecules are able to expand blood vessels, which is why blood accumulates in them. These changes adversely affect the health and general condition of a person.