Scientists: an after-dinner nap improves brain function

Just one hour of after-dinner sleep helps to relieve fatigue and greatly improves the brain’s perception of additional information. This is evidenced by the results of research by scientists from the University of California at Berkeley – writes the London Times.

The study included 39 volunteers divided into two groups. Around noon, all participants in the experiment were offered a series of tests, after which the participants in the first group were given the opportunity to take a nap. The members of the second group continued to work at the same pace.

Subsequently, all the people included in the study were re-tested, which showed a significant advantage of those who rested.

Earlier, the same group of California researchers managed to prove that sleepless nights worsened students’ learning ability by 40 percent.

Among the famous people who took the after-dinner nap, experts mention former British prime ministers Winston Churchill and Margaret Thatcher, US President John Kennedy, actress Marilyn Monroe, the eminent scientist-physicist Albert Einstein. (PAP)

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