Scientific studies of the influence of a mobile phone on the development of brain cancer

Today, the mobile phone is an integral part of our lives. For many people, leaving it at home is something scary. After all, it can help you connect with family and friends. In addition, it is permissible anywhere and at any time. But, if you look from the other side, the device is not only beneficial for humans.

In the modern world of wireless communication devices, a huge number. They increased the effect of the electromagnetic field with radio frequency on the human body. A mobile phone during operation emits special waves that affect the cells of the body, causing changes in genes and chromosomes. Because of such mutations, unhealthy particles develop.

Scientists have already conducted thousands of studies trying to find out the impact of mobile phone radiation on human health. However, their results were not deciphered as it should be, but quite the opposite. Disputes about these indicators are ongoing. In 2011, WHO listed mobile phones in group 2B in terms of harmfulness – they are cancer provocateurs.

Those radiations that come from the device are not ionizing, but they can affect the temperature increase of the parts of the body that are in close proximity to it. This causes harm to the body at the gene level.

The phone has the most negative impact on the human brain. This has been proven by Swedish scientists in the course of research. Their results confirmed an increased risk of brain tumors. However, this can happen with prolonged use of a mobile phone or a wireless landline. The studies were carried out in oncology centers in Sweden. The survey established the level of exposure to mobile and wireless stationary devices for all subjects. Glioma, the most common primary brain neoplasm, was diagnosed in 92% of the respondents. In half of these patients, it was malignant (grade IV astrocytoma).

The results of the analysis indicated that the risk of glioma increased if the use of a wireless or mobile device lasted more than one year. However, the greatest risk was in people with more than 25 years of experience. If a person most often applied the phone to one of the sides, then tumors could occur in the temporal lobe.

Glioma is the most common brain tumor. In the first two stages of development, it can be cured, since at this time it develops slowly. In the third and fourth stages, the growth rate increases, and the prognosis at these stages is often unfavorable.

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