Sciatica: treatment and prevention

Sciatica: treatment and prevention

Excessive efforts, working in an uncomfortable position, cooling can provoke damage to the sciatic nerve. will tell you what kind of disease it is and how to treat it.

Pinched sciatic nerve treatment

The defeat (pinching) of the sciatic nerve becomes a serious and, in the truest sense of the word, painful problem. The pain is felt in the buttock, spreads over the back of the thigh and lower leg, and sometimes reaches the foot. At the same time, numbness of the skin in these areas, sharp pain and involuntary muscle contraction may occur.

The sciatic nerve starts from the sacral plexus, passes under the muscles of the buttocks through the back of the thigh and, almost reaching the popliteal fossa, bifurcates into two descending branches. The cause of the painful condition of the sciatic nerve is compression. But it all depends on the level at which it happened and what caused it.

We are looking for reasons

  • Hernial protrusion of the intervertebral disc. In this case, sharp pain occurs suddenly and intensifies with movement and coughing. At the same time, during the first day, skin sensitivity disorders and muscle weakness increase.

  • Osteochondrosis. The most common cause of the disease. The root, squeezed by a thickened ligament or bone growth in osteochondrosis, gradually gives increasing pain and numbness. Muscle weakness joins much later, with a far-reaching lesion, muscle atrophy is possible.

  • Tunnel syndrome. It begins when the sciatic nerve is compressed muscles… This can happen with some diseases of the spine and joints, as a result of injuries, flat feet and even unsuccessful injections into the buttock. The manifestations of tunnel syndromes are varied: from pain in the buttock to burning pain in the sole of the foot and the inability to control the movements of the foot.

  • Diseases that cause metabolic disorders. Diabetes mellitus, some diseases of the thyroid gland, various poisoning can also lead to problems with the sciatic nerve.

The doctor will conduct an examination and prescribe an examination.

We carry out diagnostics

  1. An x-ray of the lumbosacral spine will assess the condition of the vertebrae and reveal bony growths.

  2. X-ray with functional tests (flexion, extension) will provide information about the work of the intervertebral joints. In some cases, x-rays are taken with the introduction of a contrast agent into the spinal canal.

  3. Computed tomography will allow a detailed study of not only bone structures, but also intervertebral discs. It is indispensable in the diagnosis of disc hernias, as well as tumors and traumatic injuries.

  4. Magnetic resonance imaging can help you see the spinal cord and predict its viability.

  5. Electromyography will indicate the nature of the sciatic nerve lesion. This method consists in studying the bioelectrical activity of muscles under the influence of different types of stimulation.

Exercise is the best prevention for body health.

Starting treatment

  • Drug therapy is prescribed for small herniated intervertebral discs. It will help improve blood circulation, relieve inflammation, swelling and painful muscle spasms.

  • When acute symptoms are eliminated, treatment will continue with manual therapy, acupuncture, and electrical muscle stimulation. They can appoint gymnastics.

  • Endoscopic technique is required for massive disc hernias. This is a low-traumatic operation – on the third day, patients get back on their feet. Approximately the same treatment is carried out when the spinal root is compressed by bone growth in osteochondrosis.

  • Blockades, manual therapy is prescribed for neuromuscular tunnel syndromes. Also, the doctor may prescribe the wearing of special belts and orthopedic insoles in combination with taking anti-inflammatory and decongestants, as well as drugs that reduce excessively high muscle tone.

How to prevent sciatic nerve damage?

It is important to protect the spine, not to overload it, in particular, to learn how to properly lift weights. It is especially important to monitor his condition for those who often drive, athletes, and those who are faced with hard physical labor. A regular visit to the pool and, of course, physical education will help to avoid troubles!

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