Sciatica. How to ease the pain?
Sciatica. How to ease the pain?

It strikes in the least expected moments, manifesting itself as sharp, burning or tearing pain in the lumbar spine. Sciatica is an attack of severe pain that occurs when you make a sudden movement – tripping, getting out of bed, lifting, bending over. If you experience severe pain in these types of situations, you are dealing with this condition. How to deal with it?

Often the pain is so strong that it is difficult to move, for some it is stabbing, for others itching or even burning. It moves along the hip and buttocks, intensifying at the same time with minimal movement. The worst attacks occur at night.

This ailment is accompanied by spasm of paraspinal muscles. Although this is to immobilize the spine and thus protect it from damage, unfortunately, it additionally intensifies the pain. One of the characteristic symptoms sciatica there is also difficulty in lifting straight legs when lying on your back.

Where does sciatica come from? Causes

The cause of this pain is the compression of the ischial root where it leaves the spinal canal. The causes of this compression are varied – it is usually caused by a slipped disc (intervertebral disc) and degenerative changes in the spine.

rwa it also manifests itself in people who have curvature of the spine or improper pelvic structure. Sometimes the cause is also constant compression by a deformed vertebra, which thus causes swelling of the nerve root, or degenerative changes in the intervertebral joints.

When to see a doctor?

In each case. Sciatica this is a sign that something is wrong with the spine. The specialist can prescribe non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, painkillers and muscle relaxants, sometimes also injections and tranquilizers. We should be especially concerned if the pain does not decrease within 24 hours, or when pain symptoms are accompanied by:

  • leg weakness,
  • sensory disturbances,
  • Urinary retention.

Such symptoms may signal changes that will lead to permanent nerve damage.

When the attack of sciatica hits … Ways to relieve pain

  1. Finding a position in which we relieve the oppressed root – some prefer to lie down, others to stand or sit.
  2. … or lying on your back on a hard mattress. At the same time, we bend the legs at the hip and knee joints at a right angle.
  3. Cooling the sore spots by applying an ice pack or a cold compress.
  4. Heating is also good – it helps just as much as cooling.
  5. Lubrication of sore places with analgesic and anti-inflammatory ointment. Massage it in to loosen tense muscles.
  6. The use of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory and analgesic drugs.

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