Sciatica – causes, symptoms, treatment [EXPLAINED]

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Sciatica usually occurs at an unexpected moment. A stabbing, paralyzing pain in the back and legs that prevents you from getting out of bed occurs with any sneeze, makes your limbs tingle, and has an unpleasant tendency to relapse. Where does it come from and what to do to effectively protect the spine from it?

Sciatica – what is it?

Sciatica, ischialgia (from Latin ischias), colloquially referred to attack of nerve rootsis a set of symptoms related to the compression of the sciatic nerve – the largest peripheral nerve in the human body. The sciatic nerve extends from the back of the thigh, through the shin, to the foot.

Characteristic for sciatica is sudden, unexpected and extremely distressing pain in the lumbar region, often accompanied by numbness of individual sections of the spine. Pain occurs as a result of the mechanical pressure of the damaged intervertebral disc (disc) on nerve roots. It is usually caused by degenerative changes in the spine progressing with age.

At Medonet Market you can buy an MRI of the spine. The test is recommended in the case of pain and as an aid in the diagnosis of spine diseases.

See also: Disk problems

Korzonki – definition

The roots of the spinal nerves are commonly referred to as “rootlets”. These are nerve fibers that go from the spinal cord between the individual vertebrae (from the cervical to the lumbar). On the right and on the left side of the spine, there are two nerve roots that make up the spinal nerve, this arrangement makes them very sensitive to any changes in the health of the spine and the surrounding area. The ailments related to “rootlets” are manifested by severe neuralgia.

These pain ailments, also known as root attacks, are associated with irritation or pressure on the nerve roots. There are several types of rushing pain resulting from compression of the nerves – its nature and place of occurrence depend on which nerves have been compressed. To relieve your pain, try the VITAMMY Heat electric blanket and the VITAMMY Heat electric heating pillow, which will help soothe unpleasant symptoms and have a relaxing effect. We also recommend Yokompres, a natural cotton and cherry seed compress for women, available at an attractive price on the Medonet Market.

Types of tear (root attack):

  1. humerus (shoulder fracture): radiates from the neck to the shoulder, all the way to the end of the arm; there is often tingling, numbness, muscle spasms and paresis;
  2. sciatica: pain in the loins, buttocks, runs along the entire leg up to the big toe. Paresthesia, paresis and muscle spasms may appear;
  3. thigh tear: lumbar and sacrum, the pain is along the anterior leg wall. The following may occur: paresis, paraesthesia, muscle contracture.

Sciatica – symptoms

One more sudden movement – when standing up, bending or lifting heavy objects – is enough for a shooting pain in the back area to appear. Sciatica is described as a sharp, tingling, stinging or even burning pain in the spine radiating into the loin, thigh, or foot – depending on which part of the sciatic nerve is pinched.

Worth knowing

Applying an electric cushion or a hot water bottle to the painful areas may be helpful in relieving sciatica. You don’t have a warming device? Take advantage of the Medonet Market offer and order an electric pillow to relieve pain symptoms.

It happens that during sciatica attack the sick person is paralyzed – the pain increases with the slightest movement. Sometimes it does not allow you to get out of bed, often only one side of the body is affected. During an attack of nerve roots, the patient may have sensory disturbances in the legs, as well as muscle weakness and numbness. In addition, there is also a feeling of burning or tingling migrating down the leg.

A patient suffering from a set of symptoms typical of sciatica may have problems with defecation and even suffer from muscular paresis – e.g. in the form of a limp, escaping foot when walking. These symptoms are usually associated with significant changes or damage to the discs and require neurosurgical treatment.

What is important, Sciatica is made worse when you cough, sneeze and laughEach of these activities increases the pressure of the cerebrospinal fluid, which puts additional pressure on the roots of the sciatic nerve. To make sure that the pain is indicative of sciatica, check to see if we have the so-called Lasegue symptom – just lie back on a hard surface and try to lift your straight leg. Sudden pain that is impossible to exercise is characteristic of sciatica.

At Medonet Market you can buy an appointment with a neurologist who will help diagnose sciatica and propose appropriate treatment.

Sciatica – causes

Sciatica is a symptom complex that develops as a result of compression of the sciatic nerve at the level of the L5, L4 or S1 discs. The main causes of sciatica are discopathies and degenerative changes in the intervertebral discs.

Between the vertebrae there are fibrous-cartilage discs with a gelatinous core, commonly known as discs – they provide cushioning, elasticity and shock resistance. Over the years, the cushioning properties of the discs weaken, and the spine, which is the core of the locomotor system, is less able to withstand loads. Unfortunately, not only age affects the condition of the intervertebral discs. Lifestyle, certain diseases and other factors also play a role.

Possible causes of sciatica:

  1. Sciatica occurs when the discs begin to protrude beyond the axis of the spine and compress the nerve roots. It is usually a consequence of degenerative diseases and curvature of the spine, discopathy or prolapse of the disc.
  2. Pressure on the sciatic nerve can also be caused by overweight / obesity, diabetes, local inflammation, or cancer.
  3. Other possible causes of sciatica are spinal stenosis, spondylolisthesis, and excessive increase in pear-shaped muscle tone.
  4. Due to the overload of the spine, they are exposed to sciatica attacks pregnant women and people undertaking too strenuous physical effort – weak back and abdominal muscles are unable to support the spine and the intervertebral discs begin to bulge. By purchasing a medical subscription, you provide yourself with professional medical care at every stage of pregnancy.
  5. A diet that is low in calcium, minerals and vitamins can also affect root attacks. You will get your daily dose of vitamins and minerals thanks to dietary supplements offered by
  6. Sometimes, sciatica attacks people who have been exposed to rapid cooling of the body – e.g. lying on damp ground or jumping into cold water on a hot day.

Lubricants such as horse ointment have a soothing effect on joint and muscle pain.

Sciatica – treatment

The approach to treating sciatica depends on the severity of the pain as well as the causes of the disease. In the first place, conservative methods are used, i.e. pharmacological measures to alleviate the symptoms:

  1. painkillers;
  2. anti-inflammatory drugs;
  3. antispasmodics;
  4. if necessary and in severe discomfort, intramuscular injections are given.

In the acute phase of the disease, medication prescribed by a doctor is used, and rest is necessary for this. When pain and inflammation are alleviated, physical therapy, massages, and sometimes exercises on the lift may be implemented. Sometimes it is necessary to wear a supportive lumbar-sacral corset. If the load on the spine is affected by excess body weight, it may be important to reduce it.

Regarding rehabilitation and physiotherapy in sciatica, apply:

  1. magnetic field (the procedure is of therapeutic importance, among others, in the case of inflammatory, degenerative, post-traumatic or neurological changes) – magnetotherapy, magnetostimulation, magnetoledotherapy;
  2. laser therapy;
  3. ultrasounds;
  4. thermal treatments;
  5. cryotherapy;
  6. kinesitherapy, i.e. various types of active exercises (e.g. using the McKenzie method), the purpose of which is, among others, stretching as well as strengthening the muscles that play a significant role in relieving the spine;
  7. manual therapy, including massage and mobilization.

At Medonet Market you can buy a therapeutic massage that will help with pain caused by sciatica.

Also try the CranioCradle Self-Therapy Device, which helps to relieve muscle tension and improve well-being.

Appropriate treatments are selected taking into account the history of the disease, its causes, as well as contraindications to individual therapies. It is also extremely important in the case of exercise and manual therapy – if sciatica is caused by discopathy, it is important to determine the degree of changes or damage so as not to aggravate them.

If the methods listed above do not provide any improvement or are inadvisable due to health condition, see a neurosurgeon who will remove the cause of pressure on the nerve root. Main indications for surgical treatment of sciatica have:

  1. increasing neurological deficits;
  2. no improvement in the patient’s condition after 6-8 weeks;
  3. neurological disorders including abnormal sensation and reflexes, foot drop, urinary incontinence.

Sciatica in pregnancy

One of the conditions of the body that can contribute to the appearance of sciatica is pregnancy, especially its second trimester. During pregnancy, the woman gains weight, the baby grows, and the ligaments of the spine are weakened. Excessive strain on the spine or maintaining an incorrect position during pregnancy can promote dislocation or prolapse of the disc. Sometimes pregnancy can also put more pressure on the sciatic nerve.

Backache in pregnancy is a fairly common condition and does not necessarily mean you have sciatica problems. Quite often they are associated with the widening of the pelvis. If you have doubts about your health condition, make an appointment with a gynecologist to consult a specialist.

Read more: Sciatica in pregnancy – symptoms, treatment

How To Prevent Sciatica?

Sciatica is treated long and costly – therefore it is much better to prevent attacks of the roots by properly caring for the health of the spine. It is best to remember about it during everyday activities – when sitting down, evenly load the buttocks and back and do not lift loads that can be moved (if necessary – do a squat with a straight back).

It also turns out to be considerable proper sleep hygiene: the mattress should be sufficiently firm (provide even support for the back), the pillow should be small and the sleeping position upright. You should rest on your stomach, change your position frequently when sitting at the computer and remember not to slouch. It is better to replace a heavy shoulder bag with a backpack, and a large travel bag with a suitcase with wheels.

They can turn out to be invaluable exercises for the spine – e.g. cat’s backs. When driving the car, sit down with your entire thighs against the seat. If you are carrying heavy shopping bags, distribute the weight evenly over both hands.

Do you have sciatica symptoms? Do not hesitate and see a doctor immediately. You can do it via the website, where you can quickly and safely arrange an online teleconsultation with a neurologist.

See also:

  1. Exercises for the lumbar spine – injuries, types of exercises
  2. Spine doctor – orthopedist or neurologist?
  3. Hip pain – possible causes, prevention, treatment

Below are some products that will help you take care of your spine and thus prevent sciatica:

  1. Profiled orthopedic pillow (check the offer)
  2. Hard mattress (check the offer)
  3. Dynamic seat cushion (check the offer)
  4. Set of travel suitcases (check the offer)
  5. 5 minutes for the spine. 100 exercises with photos (check the offer)

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