Schweppes: everything you need to know about tonic

Schweppes is a world-class brand for the production of soft drinks. The brand is owned by Dr. Pepper Snapple Group, distributor in the Russian Federation – The Coca-Cola Company.

Schweppes was the first to start dealing with carbonated drinks without alcohol content. Initially, the invention was patented as a medicine. Schweppes is consumed as an independent soda, added to alcoholic and non-alcoholic cocktails. One of the most popular is the gin and tonic.

tonic facts and recipes

The story of Schweps

The history of the drink originates in Switzerland, in Geneva. In 1783, the German Jacob Schweps, who was engaged in watches and partly in science at an amateur level, invented a method for making sparkling water on an industrial scale. When he realized that his offspring had a future, he moved to the capital of England. In London in 1792, he opened a factory, and gave the company the name J. Schweppe & Co.

It didn’t take long for his business to start making a big profit. Schweppes again went into science, and ¾ of the company began to be owned by immigrants from Normandy: Robert Breuer, Francis and Henry Lauzan.

The beginning of the Victorian era was marked by the transition of the company to the wine merchant John Kemp-Welch and William Bath. It happened in 1834. Both men are natives of the English city of Bath.

After 2 years, Queen Victoria appointed the company as the official supplier of drinks to the royal court, and also granted him a Royal Charter. Schweppes is very proud of the fact that in the future all British rulers, except for Edward VIII, who sat on the throne for a very short time, granted Royal Letters to the company.

In the photo below, the history of the development of Schweppes bottles

In 1851, the London Great Exhibition was taking place and J. Schweppe & Co was asked to provide the event with their line of products. On the occasion of the event, a large fountain was installed in the central part of the exhibition, which was filled to the top with Schweppes Malvern Water. It can still be seen on the brand logo.

The best times of the brand came in 1870. Then the line was replenished with two new drinks. This ale is made from Ginger Ale and Schweppes Tonic Water.

After 7 years, an enterprise was opened in the Australian city of Sydney, after another 7 – in New York, Brooklyn. Then Great Britain was a very powerful country and owned colonies from India to Africa. Soldiers were sent to these countries, who often fell ill with malaria.

Quinine was known as an antipyretic and analgesic, but it tasted very bitter. Then the Schweppes company started producing soda with sugar, quinine and orange in the composition. The military tonic came to taste, because after it they did not want to drink for a long time, and it protected them from a dangerous disease.

In 1893, the Schweppes brand patented porcelain-covered siphon heads. At the same time, she began distributing soda through vending machines. In 1897, J. Schweppe & Co ceased to exist, because it was transformed into Schweppes Ltd.

In the 3th century, the brand continued to grow, new enterprises opened around the world. The company became the first in the UK market among the producers of refreshing drinks. During the war years, of course, it slowed down, but 3 years after the end of hostilities, sales volumes increased XNUMX times.

In 1969, Cadbury Schweppes merged Schweppes and Cadbury, and the companies had common financial management.

After 30 years, the Schweppes, Crush, Dr Pepper and Canada Dry trademarks were bought by The Coca-Cola Company.

The company celebrated its 230th anniversary in 2013. Drinks are supplied to more than 160 countries.

Types of Schweppes

  1. Indian tonic

    The most recognizable of all products. It was invented at a time when Britain had Indian colonies. It was used in the very first gin and tonic. Original name Schweppes Tonic Water.

    Until 1953, it was purchased only in British countries, after which it entered the American market. Came to Russia in 2000. After 6 years, it was renamed Schweppes Indian Tonic to preserve the memory of the origin story.

  2. Bitter Lemon

    This tonic is made from lemon juice and zest, which is the reason for the distinctive bitter taste. A sediment from the zest forms at the bottom of the bottle, so it must be cooled to 2–7 ° C and shaken before use.

    It was originally invented to be added to alcoholic cocktails as a “mixer”, but consumers liked it as an independent drink. It was born in 1956, when Schweppes Indian Tonic wanted to add bitterness.

    On the territory of the Russian Federation, the taste was introduced in 2000, according to 2013, it is the most popular in our country and takes on a little more than half of sales.

  3. Mojito

    Saw the light in 2015. It tastes of lime and mint with quinine bitterness characteristic of Schweppes, as well as unusual notes of rum from the Caribbean. It was created specifically for the Russian market.

    In terms of taste, it has an advantage among Mojitos from other manufacturers.

  4. Daring Pomegranate

    Refreshing drink with pronounced pomegranate taste.

  5. Bright Ginger

    Was inspired by a wide range of bitter aperitifs. It tastes great, like a cocktail, but does not contain a drop of alcohol.

  6. Spritz Aperitif

    As refreshing as the cocktail of the same name, only it does not contain alcohol.

How and with what to drink Shvpes

Schweppes makes a great cocktail ingredient. For example, Absolute Russian, Wild Cherry, Bitter Glam and others. From alcohol it will be best combined with vodka, martini and gin.

Also, the drink can be drunk in its pure form, having previously cooled to 2-7 ° C.

Interesting facts about Schweppes

  1. The Coca-Cola Company is not authorized to manufacture or sell products in South Africa, France or the United States.

  2. J. Schweps is recognized as the founder of the industry that manufactures drinks without alcohol.

  3. In 1878, at the Paris exhibition, J.Schweppe & Co was awarded a medal for second place. There was no higher award for manufacturers of sparkling waters. After 2 years, according to the same criterion, the brand was awarded gold by the Paris National Academy.

  4. The authentic Schweppes flavor range is made from natural ingredients. In the composition for bitterness there is always quinine.

  5. One of the most famous advertising campaigns was the one that used the Schhh sound associated with gas bubbles and the moment the bottle was opened.

Relevance: 19.03.2020

Tags: soft drinks

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