
Oh, how they want to go back to school!

With what impatience they, our children, were waiting for the beginning of the school year, and the days of August dragged on, as luck would have it, for an unusually long time!

Textbooks were rearranged several times a day, pens, notebooks and other writing materials were sorted out, and a brand new school uniform was tried on.

With what zeal the schedule of lessons was recorded in the diary, which was rechecked several times with pleasure.

And on the first of September, they get up early in the morning and solemnly have breakfast, comb their hair carefully in front of the mirror and run out of the house without parental haste.

The first lesson takes place in complete silence, every word of the teacher is grasped on the fly and the speeches of classmates are listened with interest.

A forest of hands, maximum attention, clear neat lines and «aerobatics» of doing homework.

How to keep this inspiration until the end of the school year?

How can we ensure that our children do not get disappointed in the long days before the next summer vacation?

Everything is very simple: you need to teach the children to love the learning process. Yes, yes, teach!

After all, you will have to devote a lot of time to school subjects, spend a lot of effort and energy, and this, you see, is not easy work.

And here, September will provide an invaluable service for developing skills to easily and naturally overcome training loads.


Since the children had a good rest, they still have plenty of energy for important things. This means that if you continue to pay considerable attention to rest, then your strength will not run out.

Instead of parental reminders: «Don’t forget to do your homework,» let it sound caring: «Don’t forget to rest.» Surprised?

There is nothing wrong with schoolchildren, including high school students, having a «quiet hour» for themselves. Daytime sleep has a beneficial effect on both academic performance and the health of students.

And going to the gym, at least four times a week for 40 minutes, is a prerequisite for good spirits.

And then less time will be needed to do homework and, as a result, going to school will not seem burdensome.

After a good rest, everything will be done in time: a music school, and an elective in mathematics, and reading books, and household chores … But how many other things do the younger generation have to do ?!

But before you waste your energy, you need to stock up on them.


To ensure that homework does not drag on for a long time, it is necessary to instill in the child a sense of pace.

Start by setting a timer for each item. Let this process be similar to a game, but it is this “game” that will not allow you to relax, get distracted or daydream, and the competitive moment of “racing with yourself” is very disciplined.

While the timer is ticking, the student enthusiastically delves into the educational material, without being distracted by extraneous stimuli.

Moreover, “homework” becomes an exciting activity, and not a burdensome obligation. The few minutes played by the timer can be used at your own discretion as a well-deserved reward for good work.

Having developed in the child the ability to concentrate as much as possible when performing one subject, you can complicate the task and turn on the timer to complete all the exercises in all given subjects.

The time for completing homework should not exceed half an hour for younger students, and should not exceed two hours (for each subject) for high school students.

And if you gradually reduce this time by one minute, then the speed of doing homework will increase, and the quality of assimilation and / or consolidation of knowledge will improve.


It’s no secret that students love the subject taught by their favorite teacher. And, as a rule, it is these subjects that receive increased attention and interest. The rest of the subjects, according to the student’s own preference, are relegated to the background. Moreover, the students consider this decision quite justified and do not see anything terrible in the fact that they ignore some objects.

And while the guys are still in high spirits, it is imperative to convince them.

Sometimes you have to do things that you really don’t want to.

For example, no one likes bitter pills and sick injections, but understanding the significance of these actions and respectful attitude towards the healing process gives a positive result.

Yes, let the child show a preference for some particular subject, but a respectful attitude towards all sciences can play an important role in the future.

In addition, the idols of our children would hardly have reached «star» heights if they had developed only in one direction. It is in the aggregate that education and specific hobbies create the fate of a person.


You need to praise the child for every, even a small victory. But if the score is lower than expected, then in this case it is necessary to support the child. The main thing is not to instill in the student the “excellent student syndrome”.

Think together how to improve the situation and restore academic performance.

Kind-hearted parents do not set conditions and do not agree on financial rewards in case of finishing the quarter with “excellent”. If a child needs a new computer for study, then the computer just needs to be bought or explained why it was refused to buy it. “Insufficient” performance can never serve as a refusal, because a vicious circle is obtained: without “excellent” grades there will be no computer, and without a computer there will be no proper results. These are the realities of modern education and this must be understood and accepted.

You may have noticed that in the summer our children receive much fewer comments than during the school year.

September, just like the summer months, is by inertia free from strict control by parents and less loaded by teachers. Do not skimp on praise, even if the behavior is perceived as ordinary and due.

Let the September school days become a springboard for success in hard student work.

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