School conflicts: how to prevent, tips, videos

😉 Greetings to my dear readers! Conflicts at school are a hot topic. Let’s talk about it.

School conflicts

Why, after the first month of school, do many children go to school as to hard labor? The reason is primarily to be found in school conflicts.

There are various conflicts at school. But no matter how strange it may seem, almost the most important is the conflict between the student and the teacher. After all, at school, children play around, often do not obey, and sometimes they refuse to do their lessons.

The teacher, of course, makes a remark, tries to somehow influence. And then, in the end, calls the parents. This is where the danger lies. If the father or mother does not find understanding with the teacher, then this can negatively affect the student himself.

For example, if a mother during communication will show aggression, say that her son or daughter is the best, or even argue that the accusations are unfair. The teacher may not like it.

As a result, a triangle is created: teacher – student – parents. However, the child in this situation, when clarifying the relationship, “shifts” to the side. And only then, when communicating with a student, the teacher subconsciously will have an unpleasant image of his mother.

School conflicts: how to prevent, tips, videos

This is how a banal clash between a student and a teacher develops into a big problem, in which all relatives will be drawn. And everything may end up with the fact that the boy or girl will have to be transferred to another class or even another school.

What should parents do?

First of all, in order to avoid a conflict situation, adults need to calmly, without showing emotions, find out why the child behaved this way and did not react to the teacher’s comments. In addition, directly during the conversation, you do not need to shame the culprit, but it is better to discuss it without him. And then talk to your child in a relaxed home environment.

It is important to separate the factual material, that is, the conflict itself and its cause, from the attitude of others towards it. That is, everyone interested – parents, teacher, student. Even if the teacher behaved incorrectly, then the child does not need to talk about it, because then he can manipulate it.

Well, and a very dangerous moment when the teacher scolds the student for disobedience in front of the whole class.

Honors and Losers

There are no identical children, they are all different and individual. Their actions are not the same either. It has already become a tradition that there are always “strong”, “middle peasants”, “tails” in the class. The class teacher is well aware of this conditional division.

And so it turns out that he always praises excellent students, sets them up as an example to others. Losers will have to listen most of all about the achievement of teachers’ favorites.

Usually, there are those in the classrooms who are called “outcasts”. The peculiarity of such children is life apart from others. Understandably, peers of the same age do not like “outcasts”, and sometimes they show their negative attitude with the use of cruelty.

There are also leaders in the classes, usually two. For some reason, it so happened that there is a leader, both among excellent students and among poor students. That is, it turns out that one is positive, the other is negative. It is clear that these leaders and those who inherit them are unlikely to coexist peacefully. Therefore, conflict situations, again, cannot be avoided.

However, one cannot give up and calmly watch the disputes between the groups. Therefore, the teacher independently needs to rethink his actions and not single out the excellent students or, so to speak, his favorites among others.

And, undoubtedly, make efforts to constantly unite all children, do everything possible to make them feel like one class.

School fights

Most of all children are rallied by school fights. Unfortunately, this phenomenon cannot be avoided. And this concerns, first of all, boys. But why surprise: adult men solve their problems with the help of fists, and here are hot-tempered and energetic children.

However, such “showdowns” are not always serious. Loving mothers, of course, do not understand this, and as soon as they find out about something like this, they immediately try to find out who dared to raise a hand against their child. It comes to the point that they even arrange scandals for the relatives of this or that boy, they say, how dare he hit my child.

In reality, however, such actions are unacceptable, therefore, they are unlikely to bring at least some positive result. Rather, on the contrary, discord will intensify not only between schoolchildren, but also between their parents.

School conflicts: how to prevent, tips, videos

Therefore, first of all, you need to calmly understand why the conflict arose.

Perhaps he was generally frivolous, and tomorrow the guys will again become best friends and will sit at the same desk. If we do meet with certain parents, it’s not in order to yell at each other, but to discuss the behavior and upbringing of both children.

The behavior model is formed in childhood. Whether a child will be in conflict at school can be determined by observing him in the family. After all, it is here that the model of behavior of a son or daughter is formed.

Families also cannot do without quarrels. Children see how they are settled, and accordingly absorb it in themselves. And then they apply. And, if in the family problems are solved through conversations and compromises, then in the event of a similar situation, the child will do the same.

Conflicts between parents and children in the family

Families are different, so sometimes children can take aggressive behavior out of the family. Of course, the teacher should not support this, but it is also not worthwhile to categorically fight against such behavior.

You just need to understand: what others consider unacceptable is the norm for a young person. Therefore, if you point this out to a boy or girl, they will not understand what they are accused of. Indeed, in their family, such a model of behavior is the norm. The only thing that remains is understanding and correct approach.

But in any case, the behavior of children, whatever it may be, must be respected! If a student has some kind of conflict, he, following the example of relations in his family, tries to get out of this situation in a peaceful way.

But such good intentions do not always suit other members of the discord. Especially if these children have taken an aggressive model of behavior out of their family. Of course, this leads to the chagrin of the child. He understands that he will hardly be able to calmly solve the problem, so he tries to find other ways out.

Usually, if a boy or girl has problem situations, for example, someone offends them, then the first thing they do is turn to the teacher for help. It’s good if he doesn’t ignore such requests. However, it is known that a teacher cannot always pay attention to all students, and if he helps, then not always right away.

Children also do not tell their parents about their school problems frankly. Ultimately, these children do not see any normal way to resolve the issue, so they resort to aggressive actions.

And this does not solve the problems, but, on the contrary, exacerbates them. Therefore, we return again and again to adults, that is, to parents. It is they who must constantly know everything about their children and help them in every possible way, at the same time remaining “invisible”. That is, imperceptibly adjust their actions.

Learn more in this video: Conflict at school

School conflicts

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