
​​​​​​​Author — A.P. Egides. The book «How to understand people, or the Psychological drawing of personality»

If a schizoid is next to you, you can experience intellectual pleasure from the depth and originality of his statements on this or that occasion, draw a lot of interesting information from the annals of his erudition — like from a reference book, but not indifferent, but with comments. And at the same time, he does not suck energy out of you, as an hysteroid would do. He’s just glad he understands the person. More than others, it will effectively help in solving complex mental problems. Now computers are deteriorating. My department flew «Pentium». They tried to call the masters, but, as it turned out, it was such a bureaucratic procedure that they decided to just shove the damaged computer into the far corner on the cabinets. He lay for a year. Various computer science teachers who understand computers watched it and advised me to write a complaint. We also refused this: let it lie until it is written off.

Quite by accident, a third-year student (psychological group, schizoid) came to the department. “What kind of computer is there, why is it on the far shelf? Let’s see.» Looked. «Let’s fix it.» There was nothing to lose: «Come on, fix it.» “But I need to bring my computer.” They brought it. Schizoid, what to do, cannot bring. After an hour of work, he determined what parts were needed. We took him to the store. He even gained something in price on combinations of parts, we returned — and an hour later the computer, which other specialists had given up on, was still working or, as it seemed to us, even better.

That’s what a schizoid is.

If we want to communicate with a schizoid, we must endure his tongue-tied tongue, emotional dullness, inaccuracy … Do not twist your finger at the temple, they say, crazy, but remember the phenomenon of «wood and glass.» We, with our paranoid and epileptoid pressures, with hyperthymic shamelessness, should behave more carefully, otherwise the psyche of the schizoid will be so traumatized that he will not only be unable to participate in brainstorming sessions, but will generally lose the gift of speech along with the creative gift.

As already mentioned, schizoids must freely flank the room and generate ideas; they, if they are paid a little and directed a little towards the goal, will do it everywhere, proving the well-known thesis that if a physicist goes fishing, then this is necessary for physics. The schizoid junior researcher will study literature. Schizoid laboratory assistants will deal with the technical details. Schizoid secretaries will master the computer and will, albeit less scrupulously than psychastenoids, keep documentation.

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