
Author — A.P. Egides. The book «How to understand people, or the Psychological drawing of personality»

In schizoids, relationships with people are not easy. It is difficult for them to express their thoughts in such a way that they are easily understood. It is even more difficult to be understood in their psychological experiences, primarily because they are tongue-tied, speak with pauses, inexpressive or even with inadequate intonations; accompanying the speech with inadequate facial expressions.

Therefore, they communicate selectively — with those who understand their spiritual needs, who can support an intellectual conversation. The schizoid is happy to communicate with a person more erudite than himself, and with people less erudite. Usually he is not arrogant, he is inclined to accept someone else’s point of view and calmly explains his own. He is interested in the content of the topic raised. But he can also be arrogant when it comes to his creativity and professional viability.

Schizoids prefer loneliness and do not want to let anyone into their inner world. The schizoid behaves according to the principle: let them not pay attention to me, and I do not pay attention. The schizoid goes alone on hiking trips to get away from communication with the everyday environment. In loneliness, she often masturbates, experiencing loneliness itself and being afraid of the “harm” that doctors of the past attributed to masturbation. However, as a result of reading various books, including those on sexual topics, concerns about the harm attributed are now less and less. But masturbation makes you pay once again attention to sexual loneliness and suffer from it more.

When I wrote «prefer solitude», I didn’t mean «love solitude». The schizoid seeks solitude if it is difficult for him with certain people, and does not generally strive to be alone. Schizoids would be happy to communicate, but they do not trust many, they are afraid of blows to the psyche. So they don’t get close right away. This means that they do not gain a large circle of contacts.

Yet somehow they communicate. More with people like themselves, loners, and more with intellectual interests. They share their ideas, go to visit each other, staying up late, discussing abstract problems, smoking the air, apartment, house. Cigarette smoke in their house is a kind of psychological accompaniment to their friendship.

For a schizoid, an old friend is better than two new ones, not like for a hysteroid and a paranoiac. They have been friends for years, expanding the circle of friends by the will of fate.

Schizoids, under certain circumstances, can even be frank, «substitute the stomach.» But to the one who has shown already known reliability, intellectual affinity.

At school, schizoids are sometimes friends with a hooligan who is allowed to cheat, or rather, a hooligan is «friends» with them.

The schizoid in his life rarely resorts to lies. This is not a hysteroid or paranoid, who use lies for manipulative purposes, and not hyperthym, who lies simply because they need to talk about something, but there is no real topic for conversation. And why would a schizoid lie? He guesses nothing. His pleasure is in his thoughts, therefore, in order to enjoy, he does not need to play up.

Schizoids are not like epileptoids and psychastenoids, but are quite reliable. They repay debts on time, fulfill the promises, do not throw words into the wind. They negotiate, they don’t manipulate. Contracts are fulfilled. Write down — do it. The schizoid is more or less disciplined, rarely late. He is a formalist. You can trust him in general, he is not treacherous. But he can forget about the promise, not quite like hyperthymia, but certainly not like an epileptoid. The schizoid can simply work hard and forget. Recollects: inconvenient, but the promise is not fulfilled.

The schizoid is not indifferent to his good name, but you should not expect special gratitude from him either, he is rather dry.

The schizoid will not sacrifice himself for the sake of ideals, but he will not require sacrifices either, since he does not set himself special goals, there are no super-values ​​for him.

Justice schizoid is also a kind of unemotional formal abstraction.

A sort of justice of the judge from the novel by Agatha Christie «Ten Little Indians».

There, however, he creates the court, and the sentence is carried out. I mean the lack of emotion with which he creates this judgment.

And good schizoid creates abstract (sometimes chaotically), this is a kind of service to some abstract ideal. The schizoid does not feel good deeds in relation to himself. If he did not ask, but something good was done to him, he may not understand that this is a good deed. Or vice versa: an insignificant detail, a service, can greatly touch him; in this case, he is able to experience ardent gratitude, which, again, he does not know how to express, and therefore does not express.

In relations with people, the schizoid as a whole, one might say, is formalistic, similar in this to the epileptoid. But for an epileptoid, it is important that he observes the public interest, and for a schizoid, it is the form, the formula, that is important.

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