
If you observe traits of the schizoid type in yourself and want to correct your features, then your main areas of work are:

  1. Development of emotionality. A sedentary face, an inexpressive voice, always even, monotonous intonations, little use of gestures, a dictionary without emotional stimulus words — slows you down. What to do? Enrich the emotional palette, develop facial expressions, learn the basic expressive movements (admiration, dissatisfaction, coquetry …) and just communicate more often, no matter how difficult it is for you. See Development of emotionality
  2. Development of empathy. Until you have a very good sense of people, it is difficult for you to navigate correctly. However, empathy can be developed.
  3. Knowledge and understanding of communication techniques. While you are not very good at feeling people, you often offend them without noticing it yourself. To make this happen less often, learn to communicate competently, technically, and pay special attention to the correctness of your communication. Remove humor on a partner, signs of superiority, categoricalness and other conflictogens. Ask for feedback more often.
  4. Development of plasticity of movements. Take up a sport that develops plasticity and coordination of movements, for example, dancing or martial arts, and expressive wushu is preferable to sharp karate. And be prepared for the fact that at first it may not be easy for you. Learn to cook — and especially what you need to do with your hands: dumplings, pies.

All installations and exercises for Anti-Hysteroid.

Recommendations for Anti-Schizoid:

  • Try to understand each schizoid and delve into his theory, even if his story begins with the fact that: “Each of us has twenty-four processors in our heads, and they operate at the following coherent frequencies …”
  • Take up yoga or methodology. (The humor here will be understood only by those who have been involved in methodology. And yoga.)
  • Check out Mood Man exercises.
  • Develop contemplation in yourself, the ability to look at the world “as if through a glass wall”, extinguish impulsive emotionality, develop the prudence and detachment of a sage.
  • Learn to separate yourself from your desires, try to get out of their power. Your goal is nirvana as the destruction of all desires.


A.P. Egides. The book «How to understand people, or the Psychological drawing of personality»

Tips for a schizoid. Do simple gymnastics, and then artistic elements, in sports sections or on your own. This will provide the basis for plastic surgery.

And learn to dance. Go to dance circles, to amateur performances, communicate with the dancers, borrow the movements you like from them.

Look at the cassettes of the Hollywood movie «Showgirls», where the heroine named Noemi, having got into a fashionable ensemble (being, however, a hysteroid), adopts their movements from the dancers. And you take aerobics cassettes and do as there. Don’t be afraid to fail. In the end it will work out, and in other microgroups you will not look so bad.

Advice to a psychologist. The schizoid can also be taught to dance, but you will have to work with him more than with the hysteroid, the schizoid does not have that plasticity. So teach, work with him. To do this, however, you also need to learn yourself. But if you are really a correctional psychologist, and not a theorist, then you will master this too.

Tips for a schizoid. Raise the chair not with one hand, but with two: behind the back and behind the seat, then it will not dance in your hands and will not hit the walls, will not fall into the mirror, you will not hurt anyone with it. Do not try to move the tables alone — just make the audience laugh, it is always more convenient to do it together. When lifting a cup from a saucer, first make sure that it does not stick to it, otherwise you will lift the cup together with the saucer, and it will fall once, break, you will splash people, and they will laugh at you. Take the teapot with two hands: one by the handle, the other by the bottom or a napkin by the spout of the teapot — it will not be hot and comfortable. Before doing this, check the kettle lid, turn the lid lock back so that it does not fly off. Don’t spill and don’t goof off. If you need to pour liquid from a three-liter jar into small cups, pour it first into a teapot or jug ​​with a spout and from there pour it into the cups. If you want to boil water, make sure there is enough water in the kettle. Putting something on the gas, set an alarm or timer for the right time. Make sure that when boiling, the burner with burning gas will not be flooded. If the other burners continue to burn, an explosion will result.

Practice carrying water in a vessel without spilling it. This is best done by holding the vessel with both hands, and in addition, you need to fix the hands in relation to the body. Remember how they hold a gun with both hands, aiming at a fleeing gangster. Complicate the task: let the cup be filled to the brim. Then complicate this too: let there be two cups, one in each hand, and to make it more stable, you can lean them against each other. Learn not to spill liquid from a filled spoon when you pour it with a spoon from one vessel to another. And if, nevertheless, it spills, then so that it does not fall on the floor or on the tablecloth, hold a plate, saucer or bread under the spoon with your other hand … Try to pour liquid from a cup into a cup so that nothing spills. To do this, you need to start and stop the transfusion more sharply so that the liquid does not flow along the outer wall of the cup. But even in this sharpness it is worth observing the measure, otherwise the liquid will spill out due to a sudden movement. Learn how to pour water from bottle to bottle without spilling a drop. To do this, holding one bottle with one hand, the other with the other, connect the necks of the bottles together at the right angle.

Practice draining the water from the pan by holding the potatoes in it. Do this several times until you are sure it will always work. How do you check if the water is boiling in a samovar? Usually people make a mistake, because of which they are burned with steam: they take both hands on the handles of the lid of the samovar, and the steam escapes from under it and burns. No, lift the lid by one handle, slide the lid to the side, a slot will open and you will see if the water is boiling. Then slide the cover back to close the slot.

Learn how to light matches safely, the way everyone does: from yourself and with the sulfuric head forward, not backward.

Peel the onion, garlic. Grate the carrots without hurting your fingers.

Thread the needle many times to get everything at once. To do this, cut the end of the thread obliquely with sharp scissors, twist it tighter with your fingers so that it becomes somewhat denser. Connect the left hand with the needle and the right hand with the thread so that each hand fixes the position of the other. Learn, even if you are a man, to crochet, to embroider on a hoop. This will develop dexterity with small movements. Complicate the conditions: learn to do it on the go or while driving in a car (of course, if you are not driving).

Learn to pick up dropped objects from the floor without bending over three deaths, but squatting down. Learn to reach for a distant object, balancing yourself with your foot, as hysteroids do.

Learn how to properly get into a car. First you need to stand with your back to the seat and sit on it as deep as possible, and then raise your legs and move them into the cabin. Learn to take off your jacket while sitting in the cab of a car. Make it harder: take off your jacket while driving (don’t try this while driving!). First, try this while sitting in a chair. The easiest way is to remove the jacket over your head, like a u.e.shku. But you can pull it from the back by the sleeve from the shoulder, and then pull it from the other shoulder by the other sleeve. You will need this if you find yourself in cramped conditions, and the heat does not allow you to sit longer in a jacket. Now learn how to take off your long coat so that it does not sweep the floor.

Guess how you can do it. Learn to serve a lady with both a short and a long coat. A short coat is easier to file. It is necessary to lower it lower, so that the lady does not have to raise her hands to get her hands into the sleeves. With a long coat it is more difficult, but still one must also be able not to sweep the floor with this coat.

You slouch. How many tears have been shed because of this! And everything is simple: it seemed to the girl that her bust was too large or that her height was too large, and she tried to hide the imaginary flaw, which led to a real and serious flaw — to stoop. You can fight it, but you have to decide. Put on your shoulders, as it were, the reins of a thin but strong rope (linen will fit). Tie the reins tighter at the back, on the back. Connect this «harness» on the back with a belt at the waist. And you can wear any non-translucent clothing. Five days of such an execution — and your stoop is not in sight. If, nevertheless, the torso “remembers” how he stooped, “spur” him again with these “reins”. And there is no need to spend thousands of dollars on a device sold through a couch store.

Do you want something dangerous to happen unexpectedly? Let’s provide a double and even triple margin of safety. Okay, let single, but reliable. So you turned off the boiler and threw it right there, next to the plugs from other electrical appliances. You turn on the coffee grinder, and its plug is the same as that of the boiler. Can you imagine what would happen if instead of a coffee grinder you turned on the boiler? Well can you imagine? I once had the “happiness” to see how the tablecloth smoked before my eyes, on which the boiler was so thrown. This was done by my — no, not clients — psychologists. So we boiled the water — put the boiler away from the sockets, in the closet, as well as the wire from the electric samovar or the old-style electric kettle.

One of my fellow psychologists who gathered at my place in The Little Prince (schizoids) put the switched on electric kettle on the switched on electric stove. Well, the case is out of the ordinary. And pay attention to how the kettle with boiling water travels near the dining table. Often it is above the knees, and even above the heads of people. Someone pushed, or you slipped yourself, or your hand just trembled — and instead of a party — an emergency room. But a person saws or cuts firewood. If the left hand is close to the saw, to the ax — again an injury. So, if you are sawing wood, make sure you have a double margin of safety: your hand should be behind the goat flyer. cu te log — before lowering the ax, remove the other hand. Always point the knife blade away from your fingers, and not towards your fingers — you will not be cut off. Keep your fingers away from crevices where your fingers could be pinched. Carry pots, pans and other utensils with food with two hands, and not with one, even if it seems that one can do it — it is less likely to turn over.

Don’t ruin things you use. Especially if they are not yours.

For example, it is necessary to remove the plug from the socket, holding it, otherwise it will loosen. Don’t rock in the chair — it’s not a rocking chair. Do not take a chair with one hand — you will touch people, furniture, walls.

All these failures happen, of course, not only with schizoids, so everyone should heed the advice. But schizoids have more such oversights, including those fraught with fire and explosion. That is why I have given them special attention in this chapter.

But in schizoids, much more in their «communication» with objects requires additional attention. After all, failure in life can depend on the fact that a person adjusts his glasses with a poke on the bridge of his nose, and on the fact that he is not good at carpentry and metalwork tools, and on the fact that he clumsily cuts firewood, clumsily threads a needle, sits awkwardly in car, and the pockets of his jacket, stuffed with various rubbish, bulge sloppily.

However, our ratio of 66:33 is not canceled here either. There are schizoids and more dexterous. In addition, if a person is engaged in something professionally (a locksmith, a carpenter), then he improves in handling tools and can even surpass, say, an epileptoid.

Advice for a beginner psychologist. Arrange training to overcome all this. First, discredit the patient in your own eyes. Let him understand that awkwardness prevents him from living successfully, let him want to overcome it. And then show it all visually directly in practice. If the schizoid you care for does not succeed immediately, then decompose the activity into actions, actions into movements, movements into separate muscle contractions. Work through, rehearse each element. And then combine in the right combination muscle contractions into movements, movements into actions, actions into activities. So this will be practical psychology, which will really help people, not like just reasoning about the theory of activity.

I am working on a pamphlet that will help even schizoid accentuators learn to drive a car. I had to decompose complex actions into their small components, components into separate actions.

For example, the activity “start the car” is decomposed into the following actions: “insert the key into the ignition socket”, “depress the clutch pedal to the full”, “turn the key all the way to the right”, “simultaneously gently press the gas”, etc. Each We decompose the action into movements. For example, pressing the gas can be done with the muscles of the foot, or the muscles of the thigh-calf, or both at the same time.

And so we train individual movements. Then we combine them into a coordinated action.

To teach schizoids to act correctly together, harmoniously — this approach can be universal in relation to objective activity as a whole. And not only to the subject, but also to expressive (gestures, facial expressions, self-expression in general), and most importantly — to communicative activity: primarily speech and even to the cognitive sphere, to teaching and self-learning.

So, we must create conditions for the schizoid to re-learn (or relearn) how to dance, cook soup, and cut firewood. Teach him not to push the saw away from himself, but to pull it towards himself, not to press it on the log, but to support it from below so that the saw does not get stuck in the cut — and here you get the joy of creativity instead of senseless torments from ineptness, instead of a feeling of discomfort, instead of an image » clumsy.» But not only soup and dancing are important. It is necessary to teach him to speak, recite, comprehend scientific material, that is, to give practical skills of cognitive activity. And more than that, teaching. They taught the schizoid to speak smoothly — now he already teaches, and so he is not a teacher.

In principle, this process is endless, but within reasonable limits we can work with a person in the area where he feels bad, where he is clearly unsuccessful and where he experiences this failure.

If a person can grasp the image of activity by imitating it, that is, if it is plastic, then you are welcome. But when difficulties arise, then it is necessary just in this way, to divide the process into elements, into blocks and then put these blocks into a coherent activity.

Of course, in order to conduct such trainings, the psychologist must learn all this himself. If he learned this from childhood from his grandfather-grandmother, mother-father, then it is far from a fact that he will be a good psycho-correctionist here. It is necessary to understand the difficulties of a person, to understand why you yourself are better at it. And if everything didn’t work out for you right away and you learned from someone and understood the difference, then you will be able to develop retraining tactics faster and more efficiently.

However, some of our psychologists will find my reasoning unworthy of «their psychological majesty.» They will say that these are too grounded things — to teach people how to cut firewood, that this is no longer psychology, but labor lessons at school. Well, in my opinion, this is the most humanistic psychology. Because all these little things make up the image of a person, and, consequently, his success or failure in life. But if a person fails everywhere, then this is a collapse. So this is psychology, not «lessons of labor.»

Speech correction will play an important role in the life of a schizoid. You can just go to an amateur art circle (as mentioned above). There, the leader will stage a stage speech in one way or another, and thanks to this, everyday speech will also improve. But you can work on yourself without a circle.

In the film «Carnival» the heroine of Irina Muravyova, sweeping the pavement, practiced tongue twisters with nuts in her mouth. But you can train without them. Write down all known tongue twisters and work with them. Work with poetry, better immediately with talented.

But most importantly, pick up verses with alliterations and other phonetic delights that will help form good diction. There are many such poems by Mayakovsky, Kirsanov, Voznesensky. “Past fairs, where eggs, mugs, crucians are bright, along the cathedral, along sable, along ragged Russia!” (A. Voznesensky poem «Masters»). Learn the verses by heart. Listen to the readings of outstanding artists on records or cassettes, recite with them. It’s good to work with pathos verses. Let it be Homer’s Iliad, written in hexameter: «Anger, goddess, sing to Achilles, the son of Peleus, the formidable one who caused thousands of disasters to the Achaeans: he cast down many mighty souls of glorious heroes into gloomy Hades …» Or Maximilian Voloshin’s verses … poison of anger, he will become the executioner or the victim of the executioner.

I have developed such an exercise. Take any phrase and read it with different accents: “I’m going to school. I’m going to school. I’m going to school». This will make your speech more free. You will not depend on the language structure of the phrase. Usually the emphasis is on the last word: «I’m going to school» — this is customary. If you want to emphasize that it is you who are going to school, then you should say this: “I am going to school.” But, owning the movement of stress, you can not change the order of words: «I’m going to school.»

Try to read poetry or a prose fragment with completely different intonations than it turned out initially. And then prepare the third, completely different version, then the fourth and fifth, with completely new intonations! As a result, there will be no trace of boring, monotonous speech. This means that everyday speech will be colored with different logical stresses and sound modulations.

Now try to fool around. Read pathos poems in such a way as to make people laugh. No, there is no need to be rude in life. But on an imaginary stage — why not? This is training! Let the Pretender from Boris Godunov become a pathetic buffoon with his pretentious reproaches: “You won’t be my friend, you won’t share my fate with me, but maybe you will regret the fate you rejected!” Yuri Lyubimov in his play «Boris Godunov» showed such a reading. But this is his own directorial approach. And we will do it only for training.

Speech is a component of communication. Important, but not the only one. But how to train other communication skills? What about making contact with strangers? How not to hurt their pride? How to respond to conflictogens? How to overcome schizoid isolation? After all, isolation is often born from the inability to protect oneself in difficult communicative situations. And the schizoid defends himself, saying to himself: «It’s better not to get involved.» He doesn’t connect with anyone at all. Many of these questions and more are discussed in my book The Labyrinths of Communication. It is designed not only for the schizoid, but much is intended for him in it.

Let’s pay attention to the appearance of the schizoid. Some schizoids say that the image is philistinism, lack of spirituality. You don’t have to be so serious. Still, even the absence of an image is also a kind of image, only unsuccessful. At least a little follow-up — it’s already good. “You can be a smart person and think about the beauty of your nails” is a sound idea. And if a person has a completely untidy appearance, then people are by no means indifferent, and even unpleasant.

The advice is simple. Do not be shy to turn to familiar hysteroids. In turn, they will gladly give practical advice: what shampoos are needed, and what they wear, and what suits whom. You can also read image books. There are Sorina sisters with their series, there are modern fashion magazines. Don’t dismiss good advice. And remember that you don’t have to be at the forefront, but you don’t have to look sloppy either.

We wrote that schizoids have «porridge» in the mouth, on the head and in the head. By the way, to understand the mistakes — we are already halfway to correcting them. Much can be corrected in schizoids, and there is no need to be unnecessarily sad. By the way, after all, a lot needs to be corrected not only for schizoids, but also for hysteroids, and even more so for «His Majesty» paranoid and his adept epileptoids. So let’s continue. It seems that we figured out the first two «porridge», but with the «porridge» in my head …

We repeat that the schizoid is a creative thinker. And the works of schizoids are usually much deeper than the works of other people. Now, if only it were not for this «porridge» in the head, which makes it difficult to understand.

Well, there are several considerations here. To begin with, let’s learn from the epileptoid organization of thought. They always have: first, second, third … Let it be at least that way. But in epileptoids, usually the mental material is not so rich and complex, so the schizoid needs to learn something else.

To clarify a thought formed in speech (spoken, written or read), the first step is to clearly identify all the important concepts, no matter how many words each concept is expressed. The concept can be represented by one word: «night», «street», «lantern», «pharmacy» … But often one concept is represented by several words: «block house», «State Road Safety Inspectorate». Humanity has more concepts than words.

We wrote “highlight” because in the texts the concepts are often intertwined and confused. And we conclude each concept in a closed figure. The shape of the figure of each selected concept should be convenient for perception and unique. It is expedient to arrange these figures on the working field of the page in such a way that the logical relationships of concepts are revealed. This can be achieved with the help of various ratios of closed figures framing concepts, that is, ratios of concept frames. You can also use various connecting lines and other additional designations to display logical links.

The relationship between concepts is very diverse. Causal relationship, the transformation of one into another, parts and whole. These correlations of concepts are widespread in scientific texts. One of the most significant in science is the generic relationship of concepts. Schizoids often understand a lot, but they have everything mixed up in their heads. And in order for a thought to be understandable to others, and often to become clearer for oneself, one must be able to draw each relation of concepts. Make a logical-graphic structure on paper. Let’s take geometry. You can describe in words the ratio of different triangles. A triangle can be isosceles or non-isosceles. Both can be rectangular, obtuse-angled and acute-angled. A right-angled non-isosceles triangle can be with an aspect ratio of 3:4:5 (Egyptian), or it can have a different aspect ratio (then you can’t call it Egyptian). An acute isosceles triangle can be equilateral or unequal. There is a non-isosceles acute triangle, a non-isosceles obtuse triangle, etc., etc. All this can be imagined in the mind, but it is better to draw. At the same time, in order not to confuse anything, we write the words in a callout, from which we lead the pointer to the frame of the figure-concept. Not always: if a figure-concept is given by itself, in isolation, does not intersect with others, then you can simply write words in its frame.

The logical-graphic diagram representing the ratio of triangles shows in detail which concepts correlate with which concepts. So it makes sense to do a schizoid when he is lost himself and confuses his listeners. Geometry is good for an example of precision definitions. But of course this is just an example.

The organization of work and life is another serious problem for a psychologist in the correction of a schizoid personality. Most of the time there is no organization. Rescues a tenacious memory, but not always. If there are only seven cases, then you can rely on memory. And if there are seventy-seven of these cases, small and large, then the ability to organize them is already required.

Permanent cases are written out on the cover of the diary (in large print). Single, tied to the date and hour, we write down in the diary. And we write out single ones, but not tied to the date and hour, on separate sheets with an adhesive edge and stick them at the end of the diary. The deed is done — the sheet is withdrawn. That’s all. But it organizes and streamlines personal work very much..

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