
Author — A.P. Egides. The book «How to understand people, or the Psychological drawing of personality»

The schizoid has speculative sex. More often than other psychotypes, it exists separately from love. It is a value in itself for a schizoid, even if it is masturbation. The schizoid is self-sufficient for himself, he can live a lonely life, then masturbation saves. But in and of itself, it is valuable to him. If only it weren’t for intimidation by doctors.

For this, in the XNUMXth century they threatened with dryness of the spinal cord, in the XNUMXth century — with impotence. And this gave the schizoids a lot of difficulties in their vulnerability.

But nowadays, when one schizoid girl’s mother threatened: “If you touch it there, it will grow back like a boy’s,” there was little excitement: “Well, let it grow back!”

Sex schizoid organizes as he would organize an individual private enterprise. Eighteen has passed, and the young lady tells herself that it is time to move from masturbation and verbiage to business. And he suggests to his indecisive friend: “You can look for yourself who your parents want for you, but for now let’s study your and my genitals, your and my sexual physiology and psychology — after all, you also have no one to be with, like me.”

Another schizoid intellectual stated that there should be no love at all in a relationship. Love, they say, begins with dirty motives — to get married and grab part of the living space or just rob — and ends with squabbles among friends, and even in court. First, they say, I surrender to you, and then I betray you. So, in his opinion, “pure sex is better — without the dirt of love!”.

Such schizoid casuistry does not mean that feelings and affection are excluded for the schizoid, they can then come. But this means that their sex is not usually a continuation of love: I love, I am exhausted, I surrender, as is more often the case with other psychotypes.

And if it is, then everything is also somewhat speculative. The schizoid, even in sex, will sooner get to the necessary literature and check the light of the idea with it.

On one of my trips through the Knowledge Society, I met a schizoid married couple who went after college to the Kola Nuclear Power Plant. Both are young and both had no sexual experience before marriage. They told me that they put a book on anatomy in front of them and, in accordance with the drawings, found all the details in themselves, learned what they were called, and only after that they proceeded to the actual sexual acts.

Therefore, any sexual liberties are speculatively approved by schizoids, this is an experiment on oneself, what a sin there is. So in a heterosexual couple, sex in a schizoid is “with fiction”, sophisticated. Playful sado-masochism is practiced — namely, playful. At the same time, the game may not be so superficial. A television operator — a masochist — at one of my consultations said that one prostitute promised him God knows what «golden mountains», but in fact it turned out to be pure hack-work — she would put him in a corner and do nothing more. It is clear that homosexuality, also speculative and playful, is not alien to the schizoid. Sometimes forced: if it is not possible to have sexual relations with a person of the opposite sex, then a person of the same sex is still better than complete loneliness. But more often, the schizoid does not manifest obligate (mandatory) homosexuality, but bisexuality. Group sex is an option; but this is rare — it is even more difficult to organize it.

Sex in a schizoid before marriage is occasional, infrequent. Other psychotypes are more active in organizing their sex life. On the other hand, it is difficult for him to find a person with whom he can get close enough intellectually and spiritually. Therefore, the schizoid seeks solitude, during which from time to time he resorts to onanism with complicated mental fantasies that cover many things: fetishism (panties are more important than genitals), the presence of a third person, scenes of the realization of the oedipal complex (in women — the Electra complex). So a schizoid is both a schizoid in the sciences and in sex.

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