Author — A.P. Egides. The book «How to understand people, or the Psychological drawing of personality»
In a schizoid, the complex is incompletely expressed, but usually not much. So, in order to experience an oppressive inferiority complex and strive to overcompensate for it, as we see it in a paranoid or at least a hysteroid, this is not the case. It can even be said that schizoids often have inferiority without complexes. He does not really experience his shortcomings, he is not aware of them. But the complex still exists. The schizoid is shy and retires. Retiring, he is engaged in an interesting business for him and often succeeds in it. But it’s not competitive. He just does something interesting for him and achieves success in this. There is no actual overcompensation, rather just compensation.
The psychic defense of the schizoid is poorly developed, he is easily injured. And if someone “runs over” him, then he worries. Some like to scold, ridicule. Such a boss will most likely achieve that the schizoid will not only not be able to participate in brainstorming sessions, but will generally lose the gift of speech along with the creative gift. With schizoids, it is worth being delicate out of humanity, since they can still have an inferiority complex.
But not only for this reason. Psychiatrists have an expression in relation to a schizophrenic defect «the phenomenon of wood and glass.» This means emotional insensitivity and at the same time vulnerability. Something similar is observed in schizoids. A schizoid person, being emotionally not too responsive, but at the same time vulnerable, can sarcastically defend himself, and this is already dangerous for an indelicate person, since the schizoid is smart and witty.