Schedule of Great Lent 2020 by day: menus, recipes, tips

Schedule of Great Lent 2020 by day: menus, recipes, tips

The longest and strictest fast began on March 2 and will run until April 18.

How and to whom to fast

During this period, believers are advised to abstain from food containing meat, fish, milk and eggs. Please note that strict restrictions are not suitable for children, patients with chronic conditions such as diabetes. Refusal of food of animal origin is contraindicated in pregnant women, people with thyroid dysfunction. 

If you choose to fast, start small: skip meat and fish, but keep dairy products on the menu. They are also sources of protein. For those who are firsthand familiar with stomach diseases, it is better to refrain from dry eating. The principle of this food system: the use of thermally unprocessed food.

Useful Supplements

Be sure to add protein-rich foods to your diet during fasting. These are nuts, legumes, cereals, especially buckwheat, mushrooms (it is better to exclude pickled ones). So that the body does not experience a lack of vitamins, eat citrus fruits, bell peppers, greens, sauerkraut – they have a lot of vitamin C. You can cook compotes from frozen berries, they are as useful as fresh ones.

If you feel faint, recurrent headaches, make a change in your diet. Add drinking yoghurts or kefir to the menu. Allow yourself cottage cheese or eggs once a week. Refrain from complete fasting (it is prescribed on some days of the fast).

A varied menu

Lean meals can be quite nutritious. If you want the borscht in vegetable broth to turn out rich, add mashed beans to it. For the second courses, prepare gravy – mushroom, vegetable. Make potato, carrot, cabbage patties. But whichever menu you choose, remember that fasting is not a time for culinary delights; food should be as simple as possible.

The right snack

Do you lead an active lifestyle, go to sports training, is your work related to physical activity? Try not to starve, eat four to five times a day. Have a snack between main meals, eat dried fruits (dried apricots, prunes), nuts at this time – you need to replenish your potassium reserves.

For overweight people, it is important to reduce the amount of foods high in carbohydrates in the evening – bread, pasta, potatoes. Better to give preference to salads and stews.

Healthy recipes

Oatmeal & Fruit Smoothie

Pour cold water over the rolled oats overnight. In the morning, add 1-2 teaspoons of honey and diced fruits – banana, kiwi, apple, orange. Whisk with a blender, adding water if necessary.

Lunch salad

Toss canned beans, corn, green peas and diced tomato. You can add croutons, avocado and garlic if desired.

Vegetable stew

Coarsely chop the mushrooms, fry. Cut frozen or fresh vegetables into cubes, put in a pan with mushrooms, add spices, 1 tbsp. l. tomato paste and a little water. Simmer covered over low heat until tender.

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