SCD test in the diagnosis of male infertility
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Male infertility is responsible for approx. 50% of treated cases of problems with conceiving a child. The SCD test is a test that allows you to assess the number of sperm with DNA fragmentation. These disorders may result in defects at a very early stage of embryo development, and even miscarriages. Check what the test is and when it should be performed.

What is male infertility?

Male infertility is still a taboo subject, and men themselves are reluctant to go to a specialist with the problem. However, there can be many reasons for this, and only thorough diagnostics can help determine what is behind the development of this condition. One of the tests is the SCD test.

Male infertility is an increasingly common problem. The condition has already been recognized as a disease by WHO and is treated as such.

Male infertility has enormous social consequences and can also be one of the first signs of other serious medical conditions developing in secret. It can be treated, and the most important thing is to diagnose it quickly and start treatment. It should be remembered that infertility is quite rare and affects approx. 3-8% of treated couples.

The indication for referring the patient for diagnostic tests are unsuccessful attempts for a child lasting 6-12 months, in the case of regular intercourse and failure to use any contraceptive methods.

In addition, it is worth seeking advice if the couple wants to have a child and both partners are over 30 years of age. It should be remembered that fertility decreases with age.

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What are the causes of male infertility?

There can be many causes of male infertility, but in most cases, treatment does not require invasive procedures or procedures, such as in vitro.

The causes of male infertility include:

  1. abnormally located testicles;
  2. varicose veins of the spermatic cord;
  3. damage to the testicles as a result of birth defects, trauma, penile defects or infection;
  4. autoimmune diseases;
  5. ejaculation into the bladder as a result of urological surgery, multiple sclerosis, or the use of sedatives;
  6. drugs, e.g. anabolic steroids;
  7. drugs;
  8. lead and tar in cigarette smoke;
  9. aniline dyes;
  10. history of diabetes, tuberculosis, cardiovascular diseases, thyroid diseases, anemia;
  11. stress;
  12. wearing tight-fitting clothes made of artificial materials.

What specialist deals with male infertility?

The treatment of infertility is usually done by an andrologist dealing with diseases of the male reproductive system or a urologist, a specialist in diseases of the genitourinary system. However, it should be remembered that the problem of infertility usually affects both partners, therefore diagnostics often begin with a joint visit to the gynecological office. Often, the treatment of male infertility requires the cooperation of many specialists, depending on the cause of the problem.

Check: ultrasound of the testicles and scrotum for the diagnosis of infertility

What is the SCD test?

The SCD test is one of the methods to check the degree of DNA fragmentation of sperm. This test is known as the sperm nuclear chromatin dispersion test. The test is one of the basic tests in the diagnosis of the causes of male infertility. During the test, the man’s reproductive abilities are assessed and the cause of the problems is diagnosed.

The tested sperm chromatin is located in chromosomes, thanks to which genes are passed on to the next generations. During the test, the doctor determines whether this genetic material is damaged. Damaged sperm DNA reduces the chance of successful fertilization, proper development of the embryo, termination of pregnancy and the birth of a healthy child.

What is sperm DNA fragmentation?

Well condensed sperm chromatin means that the sperm has DNA properly protected against harmful factors. This factor can be, for example, oxidative stress. Abnormalities can reduce DNA integrity and, as a result, fragment it. If an egg is fertilized by a sperm with fragmented sperm chromatin, the zygote may divide abnormally and the embryo develops too early. As a consequence, DNA fragmentation can lead to miscarriages or genetic defects in children.

How to analyze the SCD test results?

The results of the SCD test are presented using the so-called SDF index, which stands for Sperm DNA Fragmentation. According to this indicator, the correct result is SDF ≤ 30%, and the result ≥ 30% as abnormal.

Check: What is caused by male infertility?

What are the indications for an SCD test?

The SCD test is performed as a supplement to the diagnosis of male infertility. However, there are cases where this study is particularly recommended. Such a situation is habitual miscarriage in a partner. Usually, these miscarriages are the result of a genetic defect in the fetus. One of the factors that may be responsible for the genetic defects of the fetus may be the fragmentation of sperm DNA.

Behind this process may be, for example, oxidative stress or disorders of sperm chromatin repair mechanisms. Damaged DNA in this way is responsible for defects in the fetus, stopping its development and, as a result, miscarriage. Fragmentation of sperm DNA can also cause problems with embryo implantation.

Who should take the SCD test?

The SCD test should be performed by men:

  1. in whom the cause of infertility is unknown;
  2. whose partner was referred for in vitro fertilization by ICSI;
  3. are over 40 years of age and / or have no previous offspring;
  4. with low sperm parameters;
  5. who have been exposed to toxins or factors that increase the risk of DNA damage, e.g. smoking, obesity, chemotherapy;
  6. whose partners have problems with embryo implantation after the in vitro procedure;
  7. with abnormal sperm morphology results.

Check: Testicular biopsy and diagnosis of male infertility

What is the SCD test for?

The assessment of the number of sperm with DNA fragmentation is a very important factor indicating the causes of male infertility. Due to high fragmentation, the male is unable to fertilize his partner, the zygote does not divide properly, causes miscarriages, more frequent damage to the genome and a much higher risk of genetic defects in the offspring.

How should I prepare for the SCD test?

A male sperm sample is required to perform the SCD test. The test can be performed on the basis of a referral from a specialist or privately.

Before you go to the test, you should prepare for it. Doctors usually recommend that you refrain from intercourse for 3-5 days before the examination. The test result is ready after 3-4 days of taking the sample.

A few days before the examination, it is also worth eliminating alcohol, smoking, stress and too intense physical exertion.

What could be the causes of sperm DNA fragmentation?

Sperm DNA fragmentation can be caused by gene mutations and chromosomal abnormalities that develop during sperm production. In addition to the already mentioned oxidative stress, the cause of sperm DNA fragmentation may be various general external factors that significantly affect the quality of sperm. These are, for example, exposure of the testes to overheating, radiation, exposure to toxins or other health-threatening chemicals.

Can sperm DNA fragmentation be reduced?

The fragmentation of sperm DNA can be reversed in certain cases. It happens that in order to improve the quality of sperm, it is often enough to change the lifestyle to a healthier one, introduce new good habits and rational nutrition. It is worth introducing products rich in antioxidants into the diet.

It is also important to eliminate harmful factors from life that may affect sperm DNA fragmentation. In this case, you can use the advice of specialists. It may be necessary to repeat the test after making any changes.

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