How far can he go with hair experiments?
He is shocking in everything, from his name to his image. Meet the contender for one of the tallest hairstyles of our time – Parma Ham (you are not mistaken, translated from English Parma Ham means Parma ham). For more than ten years this guy has been experimenting on his appearance, but his main feature is his hair. He preferred a huge thick mohawk to haircuts in a barbershop, which Parma Ham combes in a new way every time. Moreover, he really likes gothic, so the guy’s image is appropriate: black, boots, skirts and provocative makeup.
Ham’s natural hair color is light blond, which always seemed boring and ordinary to him. He began experimenting with his appearance at the age of 12 (now the guy is 29). He always liked the Gothic style that surrounded him in his hometown of Guildford. However, Gothic was the only thing Ham liked; he says that he has always hated his town. He liked London all the time: it seemed to Ham that it was there that he could find himself.
His whole image means rebellion. Now the name Parma Ham has supplanted the real name of the guy. But it came to him during an ordinary evening walk! Of course, he later explained in one of his interviews that his pseudonym Parma Ham is not a random phrase. It embodies the fact that his personality is like a commodity at an auction, meat, a tidbit that everyone is trying to tear off.
Parma willingly shares everything related to his extravagant hairstyle. So, in an interview with the TLS TV channel, he said that the biggest problem with his unusual style is the doorways. With such a high hairdo it is impossible to walk in them! After all, together with full styling and heels, his growth reaches two meters. The guy is ready to reassure everyone who is worried about his hair: they are 70% extended, and most of them are combed back so as not to spoil their natural hair. With such a scale of perms and bouffants, he would not have been able to keep track of his hair in a year. Fun fact: if you completely try to do his hair from scratch, then it will take two whole bottles of hairspray.
In his interview, he also spoke about what others think about his appearance: “I often received incessant insults, many wrote disgusting things. But in ordinary life, most people are interested, they like it. If you do not engage in self-glorification, then you can say that I am freedom. I am proud that I have succeeded in promoting this idea. “
Do not think that Parma devotes all her time to her hair. On the contrary, the guy tries to develop himself in various directions: he is engaged in DJing, works as a curator in art galleries. Parma believes that the main thing in art is a continuous learning process.
Who knows where in 10 years his constant desire for change will come? Perhaps a new (and rather unusual) name will appear in the Guinness Book of Records.