Scars – what do you need to know about them and how to care for them?
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Scars from injuries, burns, treatments or surgeries do not always heal without traces. Apart from aesthetic defects, they can cause pain and limit mobility. To avoid this, you need to use special preparations to support the healing of scars and protect them against abrasion and sun, especially in summer.

Wound healing is a complicated process that does not always go smoothly. Sometimes it leaves behind an unwanted memento. Therefore, as soon as the acute healing phase is over and the scabs fall off, you need to take care of this place. Fortunately, proven and effective specifics are already available. In order for them to work, they should be used every day for several months.

Healing is a long process

When the skin is broken as a result of an injury, surgery or burns, the cut vessels begin to bleed. Our blood is equipped with substances that help it clot and stop bleeding. A clot forms which turns into a scab overnight. After a week, connective tissue cells begin to multiply, which must seal the broken skin.

The collagen formed at that time is the connecting element. The wound contracts, its surface area is reduced and it is covered with a thin layer of epithelium. If this process is not carried out properly and the balance between collagen production and breakdown is disturbed, too much connective tissue is formed and hypertrophic scars or keloids form. This process may take up to 2 years.

Hypertrophic scars and keloids

The hypertrophic scar is usually red, thickened, hard, and raised. It limits the elasticity of the surrounding tissues. It is not uncommon for a wound to get worse for the first 6 months after it has formed, and then it will usually gradually disappear. Unfortunately, not always.

Such scars are more common in young people, where the production of collagen is higher, and in places where the skin is often stretched. It happens that such scars are also the cause of pain, unpleasant feeling of skin pulling and restriction of mobility of a given body area. Sometimes they change color.

Keloid, on the other hand, resembles an outgrowth and often exceeds the size of the skin damage. It can be livid, dark pink or red. Besides, it often hurts and itches. If the keloid grows, you need to investigate the lesion. The removal of keloids carries the risk of their recurrence.

How to ensure proper wound healing?

If these are postoperative wounds, follow your doctor’s instructions. In the case of minor injuries, wash the wound, disinfect it and cover it with a sterile dressing. When the inflammation subsides and the scabs fall off, and in the case of postoperative wounds, the sutures are removed, you should start using a preparation that will prevent scarring.

The best method for postoperative scars, e.g. after cesarean section or thyroid gland excision or laser treatment of tattoos, but also for post-traumatic scars, and even those after herpes – is the effective drug Contractubex gel. Early treatment of a fresh scar has a positive effect on the healing process and inhibits the growth of connective tissue leading to the formation of hypertrophic scars and keloids.

Regular lubrication

The scar should be lubricated daily with Contractubex gel, gently massaging it. It has a light consistency and it is much easier to introduce it into the skin while massaging the scar area and its vicinity. Massage is important as it increases the blood supply to the tissues.

The scar must be protected from the sun. If it is in an area that cannot be covered with clothing, you must use creams with a high sunscreen. Scars should not be exposed to constant rubbing

Onion extract, heparin and allantoline

The onion extract, heparin and allantolin contained in the gel are a harmonious trio with proven effectiveness in the care of scars. Onion extract has anti-inflammatory and bactericidal properties and prevents the formation of excessive scar tissue. Anti-inflammatory and anti-infective substances, such as quercetin or kemfero, help break down the newly formed collagen, which prevents its excess.

Heparin softens the scar, reduces swelling and stimulates cell regeneration. It also supports proper circulation. Allantoin has a softening effect and also reduces the itching that often accompanies the healing process. It also accelerates the regeneration of the epidermis. It also has keratolytic properties, which allows it to remove the remnants of calloused epidermis.

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