A scar is a change in the skin that resulted from the healing of an earlier injury. Injuries can be mechanical (stab wounds, cuts, lacerations, postoperative wounds), thermal (burns) or chemical (burns with corrosive chemicals). Scars can also arise as a result of diseases such as acne or chicken pox. Their type and appearance are influenced by many factors, the most important of which are: the course of the healing process, treatment method, avoidance of secondary infections and systematic use of specialized preparations.
Types of scars
We divide scars into atrophic, when the newly formed tissue is less than before the injury, and hypertrophic, when the scar is convex. Scars can vary in color, from white – like skin without pigment – to bluish red, especially in the first few months.
The most common scarring mistakes
Improper care of postoperative wounds
The postoperative wound is most often the result of a surgical intervention. Basically, such a wound should be “clean”, as the procedures are performed with asepsis (sterilization of instruments, operating field, applied dressings). Particular attention should be paid to changing dressings, removing sutures and daily care. It is important not to remove the scabs too early on your own, because this way the gates of infection are formed and further healing may be complicated. After the wound has completely healed and the scabs have fallen off, the scar should be lubricated with specialized preparations that ensure the moisturization of the tissues, their softening and improvement of their elasticity. The use of such agents also reduces itching of the operated area, and thus – eliminates scratching, which is dangerous for the healing process.
Using the wrong preparations
Burn wounds are caused by high temperatures. Patients who want to reduce the pain associated with such an injury very often use inappropriate preparations or apply non-sterile materials to the wound, which leads to its infection and, consequently, to a complication of the healing process. The result can be unsightly scars.
Scratching off the scabs
Patients often mechanically remove scabs from postoperative wounds. This is a mistake! The healing and regeneration processes take place under the scab, and the more advanced they are, the less the scab adheres to the body. So let it come off at the right moment – it will save us from bleeding and the risk of infection. Fresh tissue that appears after the scab has disappeared is very delicate, so it should be lubricated with specialized preparations.
Squeezing acne lesions
Acne usually occurs in adolescence, when teenagers are most concerned about their peer acceptance. Everyone wants to look their best, and this condition makes it much more difficult. It is the cause of frustration, complexes, and often even avoiding company. No wonder that the young man wants to get rid of purulent lesions and scabs from his face. Most often by scratching and squeezing out pimples. Except it’s the worst method. Pressing – often without maintaining asepsis – causes superinfection and spread of the inflammatory process to other parts of the skin, which results in complicated, long healing of lesions and the formation of scars.
Scar treatment
Most scars do not require treatment. If the wound heals without complications, there is no unnecessary irritation of the surrounding area and there are no secondary superinfections, the scarring process usually proceeds properly, and the resulting scar has no functional or aesthetic significance. The exception are people who have a genetically determined tendency to disturb the healing process – they must be extremely careful while healing wounds, because even micro-injuries can cause unsightly thickenings.
Advanced scar treatment includes many methods. The most common is the application of specialized preparations. However, it is important that the treatment is carried out systematically, for the period recommended by the manufacturer of a given agent, or until the desired effect is achieved.
It is also very beneficial to use basic massage techniques. This prepares the tissues to absorb the preparation and at the same time softens them and improves their elasticity. Some dermatologists also recommend phonophoresis, i.e. massage with an ultrasound head with the use of a selected preparation.
In the case of overgrown scars, mechanical and chemical peels are used. They make it possible to remove the altered epidermis, which in the process of secondary uncomplicated healing will look like adjacent healthy tissues.
When scars – most often after burns – impede joint mobility, surgical removal of pathological tissues limiting movement is necessary. This can be done in a traditional way or with the use of lasers.
During the treatment of burn lesions, compression therapy is used, called pressure therapy, which involves applying constant pressure to the tissues to reduce the risk of unsightly scars. For this purpose, special bands or even entire clothes are prepared for patients.
Noteworthy is the Contractubex scar gel available on the Polish market for years, registered as a medicinal product, which means that it had to undergo a series of rigorous tests before it was allowed to market. The unique composition of this agent prevents excessive scarring, reduces redness and improves the elasticity and softness of tissues. Its systematic use has a very positive effect on the treatment of scars of various origins, which has been confirmed by numerous clinical studies.
The indications for the topical use of Contractubex® ointment are scars and keloids:
- postoperative,
- post-traumatic,
- post-burn,
- hindering the mobility of joints,
- as well as tendon contractures due to trauma, scarring and other select disease processes, such as Dupuytren’s contracture.
The uniqueness of the preparation is due to its original composition: onion extract prevents inflammation and tissue overgrowth, heparin improves blood circulation, while allantoin improves the absorption of the drug’s active substances and soothes irritations and reduces itching.
The pleasant smell of the preparation and its oil-free formula based on water make it suitable for professionally active people and is one of the most popular products of this type in the world.
Contractubex® is applied to the skin after the wound has completely healed and the crusts fall off spontaneously. The product has a smoothing and anti-proliferative effect, relaxes the scar tissue and prevents inflammatory processes.