Scars are not a sentence!

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Is it possible to make unpleasant scar marks almost invisible or try to prevent large scars from occurring? Let’s figure it out!

Of course, scars do not adorn anyone, however, perhaps, they can cause the greatest discomfort to the fair sex. In addition to the unpleasant physiological sensation of tight skin, they can attract unnecessary attention of others, require careful selection of make-up and accessories, or even remarkable skills in disguise.

What happens to the skin when a scar occurs?

Any damage – cuts, burns, surgical interventions and injuries of various origins – lead to a violation of the integrity of the skin. If the lesions were superficial, then they only affected the upper layer of the skin, which has a good ability to regenerate. The injured area will be updated quickly enough without noticeable traces. However, the deeper and more penetrating the tissue damage was, the more likely it is that in the future, when the wound heals, it will appear in this place. scar.

With a special test, you can determine what kind of scar you have and how to treat it. The test can be taken link.

A scar itself is an area of ​​inelastic skin made of so-called scar tissue. Its cells contain “immature” collagen – it is not able to form a full-fledged elastic and elastic tissue. In addition, the scar tissue lacks sebaceous and sweat glands, as well as hair follicles, it is limited in its mobility and ability to retain moisture.

Normally, within 6–12 months following tissue damage, the collagen balance in cells gradually shifts and mature forms begin to predominate. With proper treatment, the tissue gradually smoothes, smoothes and regains its elasticity. It does not recover to its original state, however, the externally damaged area of ​​the skin is no longer so different from the rest.

So, with proper treatment, thin, pale stripes of skin are obtained, which are almost invisible to others. Unfortunately, sometimes this process fails, and the formation of scar tissue goes wrong. In these cases, a less attractive picture is obtained: uneven, bumpy areas that protrude above the surface of the skin and visually differ greatly from it.

Can scars be healed?

Agree, the verb “heal” in relation to scars sounds a little strange? We are accustomed to the fact that scars and other marks need to be smoothed, hidden, masked … But how can they be treated?

Fortunately, if you take action early on, you can take control of the process and influence the formation of scar tissue. For this, it is important to start treatment immediately after the wound has healed or the stitches have been removed. It is the timely and correct application of a well-chosen remedy that can help make the scar smooth and almost invisible.

In Russia, one of the most popular drugs * for the treatment of scars is Kontraktubex. It contains three active ingredients that have a triple complex effect: they help prevent the growth of scar tissue, reduce the discomfort of itching and pulling, and help smooth the scar.

It is recommended to start using the Kontraktubex gel as early as possible – ideally immediately after the wound has healed or the suture material has been removed. In this case, the affected scarred area of ​​the skin will have excellent chances of becoming almost invisible to others. The course of treatment for fresh scars is 1-3 months on average.

“Contractubex” can work with already formed scars, contributing to their smoothing and lightening. In this case, a longer course of treatment is recommended (on average, 3 to 6 months). The effect can be enhanced with a pressure bandage at night and physical therapy as directed by a physician.

The main thing is to remember that our beauty is in our hands! On the website you can find helpful tips for scars care.

Remember, the sooner you get acquainted with progressive methods of treating scars and consult with a specialist, the more chances you will once see even, smooth and beautiful skin with an almost imperceptible scar in place of the damaged area.

* According to the analytical company DSM, in 2018 more than 700 packs of Kontraktubex gel were sold.

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