Scarlet fever

Scarlet fever, also known as scarlet fever, is a rash disease caused by bacteria – streptococci.

The source of the infection is a sick person, as well as objects used by the sick person. The source may also be an asymptomatic streptococcus carrier.

Scarlet fever begins with malaise and a fever of up to 40 * C, as well as abdominal pain, headache and sometimes vomiting. The most characteristic is a tiny rash that affects the entire body except for the triangle between the nose and the cheek folds (the violet triangle). The rash is most profuse at pressure points, skin folds and warm areas (Pastia symptom). When pressed with a finger, the chila rash disappears and the skin is slightly yellowish in color. The rash lasts up to 7 days, and a few days after its disappearance, the skin on the hands and feet flakes off. An intense raid on the tongue is also characteristic for scarlet fever, which disappears from the tip and sides after about 2 days. This is when a vivid red language called raspberry language appears.

The complications of scarlet fever include: inflammation of the lymph nodes, middle ear, kidneys, joints, also endocarditis and rheumatic disease.

Scarlet fever is treated for 7-10 days with penicillin antibiotics (eg Ospen), and in case of allergy to them – macrolides.

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