Scandal with sister Natalia Vodianova and its consequences
Where in our city they help children with disabilities, I found out Woman’s Day.
The high-profile scandal that occurred in Nizhny Novgorod with Oksana, the sister of the famous model Natalia Vodianova, remains a hot topic for discussion. Recall that the girl, along with the nanny, was kicked out of the cafe for the fact that Oksana allegedly scares away other visitors with her appearance. Immediately after what happened on her Facebook page, the model wrote: “The situation that happened to my sister Oksana yesterday is not an isolated case. Unfortunately, this is the reality in which all families with children with disabilities live. It’s hard for me to talk about it, but I understand that this is a signal for society, which is impossible not to hear. ” Natalia Vodianova’s post instantly spread around the world and became the most discussed in the media and social networks. Oksana’s defense is supported by Russian and foreign stars.
Experts say that the perception of an autistic child by those around him largely depends on his loved ones. From how relatives react to the child’s behavior, how they work with him, how they prepare for the fact that it will be necessary to intersect with other people. Therefore, it is very important for parents to communicate with other families who have already faced similar problems.
The right addresses for parents of special children
- “Rehabilitation center for children and adolescents with disabilities” Sunflower “, Ulyanovsk, st. Gerasimova, 9, tel .: 8 (8422) 61-18-75 (registration), 61-07-50 (social service), 61-34-05 (reception),
The purpose of the center is to provide social and legal, psychological, pedagogical, medical and social assistance to families with children with physical and mental disabilities. The center provides social services to children with diseases of the central nervous system, including cerebral palsy; genetic pathology and chromosomal abnormalities (Down syndrome, Rett syndrome, phenylketonuria, etc.), mental retardation (mental retardation, imbecility, etc.).
- “Rehabilitation center for children and adolescents with disabilities” Ascent “, Ulyanovsk region, Ulyanovsk district, with. Bolshie Klyuchischi, st. Ulyanov, 4a, tel .: 8-84-255-5-15-46, 8-84-255-5-13-61,
During the year, the center accepts 20 shifts of disabled children and children with disabilities in the inpatient department. Children receive comprehensive medical, psychological and pedagogical rehabilitation. The center employs: a pediatrician, a physical training instructor, an educational psychologist, a social educator, a music director, an additional education teacher, qualified educators and nurses.