
Good breeding

What is good breeding and good manners? And also vice versa: without moralizing, everything is clearly visible.

The film «Dirty scammers»

Do you need to explain which of them is a well-mannered person and which is not? By the way, they are both scammers.

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Cute girl

The girl is an example of a sweet, trusting and very bright creature. I wish there were more girls like this!


By the way, she’s a scammer. He works on the order of a well-mannered elderly man who is present right there — the main swindler.

The film «Dirty scammers»

Cute girl

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All the time I hear: «Fu, training, it’s terrible!» — Nonsense. Look at the training with your own eyes — it’s cheerful, it’s fun, it’s effective. The result of proper training? — Creative and educated people. Masters!

Eh, I wouldn’t mind being brought up in such a fun and efficient manner…

The film «Dirty scammers»

It is better to work on yourself under the guidance of a master. The key to success is clear goals, quality samples, training, feedback.

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poor sincere girl

Caution: a disabled man is not a disabled person, but a scammer. How deftly he plays on the feelings of a sincere girl, Miss Colgate!

Attention: do you agree that she is very sincere?

Well, poor sincere girl, Miss Colgate is a super swindler. And sincerity is done simply by masters. Cheaply done. Do you still value sincerity so much?

The film «Dirty scammers»

poor sincere girl

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But how she threw it!

Two gentlemen discover that a young lady has swindled them out of $50.000. The difference in response: one is furious that he was thrown, the other is in admiration: “What professionalism! How well she threw us!

Dear followers of the theory of «natural emotions» — so what kind of emotion is natural here? Correct?

The film «Dirty scammers»

But how she threw it!

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Where is the real one?

Miss Colgate, previously a «poor sincere girl,» here also sincerely plays the role of a seasoned translator. Where is the real one?

— «Real»? At this level of professionalism, this concept no longer applies.

In the personality of rich people, there are many different “Real Selves”.

The film «Dirty scammers»

Where is the real one?

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