Scabies – What Should You Know About This Contagious Disease?

Scabies is an infectious disease caused by tiny human parasites – a type of Sacroptes hominis mite.

Scabies – characteristic features

The characteristic features of this disease are itching and the presence of small pits in the skin, the so-called scabies. The infection with scabies occurs through direct contact with a sick person, infection through objects is less common. Infection with animal scabies is extremely rare, and the course of infestation differs from “classic” scabies.

Apart from the human skin, scabies do not live for more than 3-4 days, so you should not use underwear or bedding for at least a week. Patient’s clothes do not have to be specially disinfected, but it is necessary to wash and iron them.

Scabies – how can you get infected?

The condition of our body affects the infection and course of scabies. Reduced immunity, cachexia, mental illnesses and severe chronic diseases are factors contributing to the development and severe course of the infection.

At the beginning of the disease, after contact with the parasite, the fertilized female hollows a linear, blind-ended burrow into the epidermis, several millimeters long. For three weeks of its life, it lays about 2-3 eggs every day, from which the larvae hatch. These become adults within 3 weeks, with the possibility of reproduction and further invasion.

Scabies and pruritus

Itching is the most common and characteristic symptom of scabies. Under the influence of heat, e.g. in bedding, it intensifies due to the activation of parasites. On the patient’s skin, in the most characteristic places, scabies burrows can be observed.

Their typical location is: the side surfaces of the fingers, wrists, skin folds, buttocks, and also in men, the genital area, in women around the nipples. In children, it is worth examining the hands and soles, because in this group of patients the changes are often located in these areas. The back and face are usually unoccupied. Due to the fairly large itching on the skin of patients, there are also cuts, numerous scratches, and sometimes secondary excesses with purulent discharge.

  1. For insect bites, try spruce ointment, which has antibacterial and caring properties

Scabies – treatment

Scabies are treated with antiparasitic drugs, most often lindane. The drug should be rubbed into the skin for 3 consecutive days, washed off after 12-24 hours and remember to change underwear every day. The drug should be washed off the skin of children after 2 hours. In addition, preparations containing benzoic acid esters, Wilkinson’s ointment or oral ivermectin are also used.


During the treatment of scabies, it should be remembered that all people from the patient’s immediate vicinity should be included in the care and possible therapy.

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