Scabies – symptoms, treatment, causes and photos. What does scabies look like?

Scabies is an infectious disease caused by human scabies. Symptoms of the ailments are unbearable itching and specific skin eruptions. Infection with scabies is favored by low level of personal hygiene, poor living conditions and lack of sanitary facilities. Disease epidemics usually accompany wars and migrations of large groups of the population.

What is scabies?

Scabies is an infectious disease caused by human scabies that nest in the epidermis and then form tubules where female scabies lay their eggs. Scabies is very small, so it’s virtually impossible to see it with the naked eye. As time passes, more parasites start to hatch.

  1. Make an appointment with a dermatologist today! Get free advice

Infection occurs as a result of direct contact with a sick person, especially during sexual intercourse or sleeping together in the same bed. Scabies is characterized by severe itching and the presence of skin eruptions; scabies develop best in warm places, such as the reproductive organs, buttocks, navel. The disease most often occurs in people who work in large groups of people and in children in preschool or school age.

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As mentioned above, scabies causes human scabies (Sarcopts scabiei). Hatching period from several days to 2-3 weeks. The symptoms usually intensify 3-6 weeks after the infection. Scabies mites reproduces in human skin, and dies outside the human body within 2 days.

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Scabies infection usually occurs from direct contact with infected skin. For this, longer contact with the sick person is necessary, it is rarely enough to shake hands. People living with the sick person or living in the same house are particularly vulnerable to the disease. Borrowing clothes from a sick person, sleeping in one bedding, and even using the same dishes and objects – can lead to infection.

Young children are particularly vulnerable to scabies, as they can easily become infected while playing with their peers. It is also influenced by not following personal hygiene, about which little ones often have little idea.

Fig.4.42. Scabies

Scabies – symptoms

The skin lesions accompanying scabies are located around the wrist, the lateral surface of the fingers, the trunk, around the navel and waist, in joint bends and skin folds, and around the nipples in women. In men, they affect the genital area, e.g. the penis and scrotum, while in women, lesions may appear on the labia and the skin around the perineum. In turn, in children, scabies affects the skin of the hands and feet.

Patients suffering from scabies develop unbearable itching (especially at night), and the characteristic skin changes are:

  1. lumps
  2. bubbles
  3. pimples,
  4. burrows hollowed out in the stratum corneum (the so-called scabies).

These symptoms usually appear 4 weeks after being infected with scabies and worsen, e.g. during sleep or after bathing.. Scabies, unfortunately, like to spread to larger areas of the body. This is because the sick person scratches the lesions and thus transfers the parasites to other places.

Treatment of scabies is not simple and requires the care of a dermatologist. You can make an appointment via the portal. During the online consultation, the doctor will collect an interview, order the necessary tests and guide our treatment.

Diagnosing scabies is not always easy, as itching and reddening of the skin can indicate many other skin conditions. Characteristic for scabies is the formation of the so-called quirkswhich are the basis for the initial diagnosis and referral of the patient for further tests.

In addition, it is important to conduct a medical interview with the patient about the symptoms and itching as well as the severity of symptoms, e.g. after bathing. If the patient has these circumstances, it may be suspected that we are dealing with scabies. In addition, the doctor watches the lesions very carefully during the visit – the presence of tubules and holes in the epidermis indicates the presence of scabies.

Scabies – treatment

The effectiveness of treatment and the chance of recovery depend on the speed at which the diagnosis is made and the treatment implemented. The appearance of the first signs should prompt everyone to see a doctor. In the treatment of the disease, the following topical treatments are: 5% permethrin cream, 0,3% lindane, Novoscabin, Crotamiton, Wilkinson’s ointment and sulfur ointment. These preparations should be evenly spread over the skin of the patient, especially where there may be parasites.

In addition to topical preparations, patients also take antihistamines to alleviate the unbearable itching of the skin. Antibiotics are administered when bacterial superinfection of the skin occurs.

  1. Are there home treatments for scabies?

For the care of scabies irritated skin, it is worth using Natural Tar Soap, which has anti-inflammatory properties and is gentle on the skin.

Attention! It should be remembered that scabies is a common disease that affects everyone in the household. For this reason, bedding and clothes should be washed at high temperatures. In addition, you should disinfect the dishes, bathtub and toilet, i.e. items that serve the entire family.

Home remedies for scabies

In home treatment, you can use various types of oils, such as lavender or cinnamon. They are added to the bath or, after mixing with water and honey, applied to the areas affected by scabies. The lesions can also be washed with infusions prepared on the basis of thyme, tansy (buy the tansy flower now at Medonet Market), plantain or caraway. Another grandmother’s way is to cover the infected areas with vinegar.

Source: A. Kaszuba, Z. Adamski “Practitioner’s guide. Dermatology”; XNUMXst edition, Czelej Publishing House

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