Cognac – 50 ml
Absinthe – 10 ml
Sugar – 1 cube
I write bitter – 2-4 drops
How to make a cocktail
Fill an old fashioned glass to the top with ice cubes and pour in the absinthe, then set it aside.
Place a cube of sugar in a mixing glass and sprinkle pichot bitter on it.
Press down the sugar with the back of a bar spoon, pour in the cognac, stir.
Pour out the ice and absinthe from the old fashioned (step 1).
Pour the entire contents of the mixing glass into a chilled Old Fashioned.
A classic cocktail decoration is a spiral of lemon peel.
* Use the simple Sazerac cocktail recipe to make your own unique mix at home. To do this, it is enough to replace the base alcohol with the one that is available.
Sazerac video recipe
The history of the Sazerac cocktail
Sazerac cocktail, according to one version, is the first cocktail in the history of bartending art.
It is definitely the first cocktail made in the USA, and since the North American states are the birthplace of mixed drinks, it can be argued that the Sazerac is the first in the world.
It is also called the “National Drink of Louisiana”. It was in this state, in the city of New Orleans, a native of France, a doctor named Antoine Pichot, who first mixed cognac and bitter bitter.
It is curious that Pichot was neither a bartender nor a frequenter of drinking establishments, and he recommended his cocktail to sick patients as a cure for a cold.
Pichot did not just mix cognac and bitter, he became the author of the famous herbal “Pichot Balm”, which was included in many modern cough medicines.
“Potion” not only helped the sick, but also liked the visitors of the drinking establishments of the city, who began to demand this drink in the bars.
The bartenders had no choice but to buy Pichot balm and mix it with cognac.
It was this cocktail that was first called not a “mixture of something with something”, but a “cocktail”.
The name of this drink is nothing more than a brand of cognac, which was included in the original recipe for the drink. Cognac “Sazerak” was very popular at that time, and most importantly: available to almost everyone.
Nowadays, the cocktail recipe has changed somewhat; absinthe and a little sugar were added to it, which makes the taste of the drink not so bitter. The brand of cognac “Sazerac” has not existed for a long time, but the name of the cocktail has remained unchanged.
Sazerac video recipe
The history of the Sazerac cocktail
Sazerac cocktail, according to one version, is the first cocktail in the history of bartending art.
It is definitely the first cocktail made in the USA, and since the North American states are the birthplace of mixed drinks, it can be argued that the Sazerac is the first in the world.
It is also called the “National Drink of Louisiana”. It was in this state, in the city of New Orleans, a native of France, a doctor named Antoine Pichot, who first mixed cognac and bitter bitter.
It is curious that Pichot was neither a bartender nor a frequenter of drinking establishments, and he recommended his cocktail to sick patients as a cure for a cold.
Pichot did not just mix cognac and bitter, he became the author of the famous herbal “Pichot Balm”, which was included in many modern cough medicines.
“Potion” not only helped the sick, but also liked the visitors of the drinking establishments of the city, who began to demand this drink in the bars.
The bartenders had no choice but to buy Pichot balm and mix it with cognac.
It was this cocktail that was first called not a “mixture of something with something”, but a “cocktail”.
The name of this drink is nothing more than a brand of cognac, which was included in the original recipe for the drink. Cognac “Sazerak” was very popular at that time, and most importantly: available to almost everyone.
Nowadays, the cocktail recipe has changed somewhat; absinthe and a little sugar were added to it, which makes the taste of the drink not so bitter. The brand of cognac “Sazerac” has not existed for a long time, but the name of the cocktail has remained unchanged.